Paisley Daily Express

Thug punched his own mum then imprisoned and attacked cousin

Violent brute lashed out at relatives after row over partner


A thug attacked his mum then abducted his cousin in a rampage which spanned three towns in one day.

Jordan Jackson phoned Police Scotland to say he had a hostage and threatened to “set off nuclear weapons” after claiming he was linked to the Kremlin.

His cousin, Josh Jackson, was only able to escape by squeezing through the toilet window and climbing down the drainpipe.

Jordan, 27, lost control when his girlfriend left his mum Elizabeth’s home in Paisley.

He lashed out at his mum then made the four-and-a-half mile trip to his cousin’s home in Johnstone.

He imprisoned his relative in the property and left him scarred for life after battering him with a metal pole, raining punches on him and trying to stab him with a knife.

Jackson then attacked a police officer in Greenock after being arrested by the PC’s colleagues over his crimewave.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Jordan, who has a history of violence, had left his girlfriend at his mum’s home on July 8.

But he got angry when he returned to find that she was gone.

He then punched his mum on the back of the head.

He locked Josh in his own home, grabbed kitchen knives and threatened to kill his whole family.

Jackson repeatedly punched his cousin and hit him with a metal pole, leaving him with a swollen and cut eye.

He also smashed a television, iron, coffee table and side tables, bowls, cups and glasses, and ripped cupboard and room doors off their hinges.

And then he phoned police from his own mobile to say he was holding Josh hostage - and would set off a nuclear weapon if officers arrived.

But Josh managed to escape while using the toilet and officers arrived to arrest Jackson.

Once in custody, he said: “I would have murdered them”.

Jackson was taken to Greenock police station, where he tried to attack a police officer.

His cousin was taken to Paisley’s Royal Alexandra Hospital, where three stitches were used to seal his eye wound, which will leave a permanent scar.

Sentencing on Jackson, who pled guilty to five charges, was adjourned until next month.

In 2019, Jackson was jailed for battering his mum so savagely he left his boot print on her face.

And in 2014, Jackson was caged for nine months for grabbing his pregnant girlfriend by the throat after a row.

 ?? ?? In the dock
Jordan Jackson pled guilty to five charges
In the dock Jordan Jackson pled guilty to five charges

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