Paisley Daily Express

No tricks or treats for thug who terrorised police on halloween

Female officers suffered tirade of abuse and violence


A menace caused havoc on Halloween by trying to headbutt a female cop and making violent threats to her and her colleagues.

As trick or treaters roamed the streets of Paisley, Scott Officer, of Ferguslie Walk, had been necking back the booze on October 31.

The 32-year-old was soon spotted sozzled in the street by his brother in Stewart Street, who had taken his own children out guising.

His brother alerted cops, but Officer saw red when they arrived.

Procurator fiscal depute Maria Murdoch told Paisley Sheriff Court that Stewart Avenue, where the incident took place, was busy with children and adults out for Halloween.

She explained: “Around 6pm, the brother of the accused was accompanie­d by his children out guising on Halloween.

“The accused’s brother observed that the accused was highly intoxicate­d and unsteady on his feet.

“The accused attempted to approach his brother and his brother told him not to.

“The accused became loud and obnoxious and, due to the number of children in the area, the accused’s brother contacted the police.

“Police attended and observed the accused to be highly intoxicate­d.

“Officers tried to calm him down and offered him a lift home.

“The accused became erratic and started shouting, he said, ‘Yous are lucky yous are lassies cause I’d f ***** g take you all’.”

“The accused made his way to walk towards the police car and began shouting ‘moan then’ and ‘f**k off ’.

“The accused was tensing his body and officers asked him to calm down.

“He began shouting, ‘It would take more than yous three to take me down, moan then’.

“Around 6.40pm, the accused was told he was under arrest due to his erratic and escalating manner.

“The accused was walked to the police van where he threw his head at police officer Laughlan and tried to headbutt her.

“The accused tensed his body and arms resisting arrest.

“Once he was calmed down, the accused was searched and placed in a cell van.

“While en-route to Govan police station, he began shouting, swearing, kicking and hitting his head off of the wall.

“On arrival at the station, the accused continued making derogatory remarks and said, ‘I’ll suck it, your a**e pipe, you f ***** g idiot’.

“The accused was removed and taken to the custody suite where he kicked out at an officer.

“He was processed in the usual manner, but, due to his aggressive and intoxicate­d state, he wasn’t cautioned and charged.”

Officer pled guilty to making derogatory remarks to police officers during the rammy on October 31.

He also admitted assaulting a cop and resisting arrest.

Defence solicitor Jim Clark explained Officer was “embarrasse­d” by the incident.

He said: “My client is embarrasse­d by this incident and this is heightened by the fact that his father was also in the street on the night of the incident.

“Since the incident, he has avoided the area and his family out of embarrassm­ent.”

Sheriff Laura Mundell deferred sentence for the preparatio­n of a criminal justice social work report and a restrictio­n of liberty order assessment.

Officer was granted bail and will return to court on December 21 for sentencing.

Jim clark

 ?? ?? cop rammy Scott Officer was granted bail at Paisley Sheriff Court
cop rammy Scott Officer was granted bail at Paisley Sheriff Court

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