Paisley Daily Express

Dad kicked off in high school car park as row over bullying erupted


A fuming dad lashed out at another parent in a Paisley school car park in a row over bullying.

Darren McIlwraith, 31, lost the plot at Castlehead High after confrontin­g the mother of a child who he believed was bullying his daughter.

Procurator fiscal depute Maria Murdoch told Paisley Sheriff Court: “Around 11.15am on September 16, 2020, witnesses were within the car park of Castlehead High School, in Paisley, discussing an incident involving the accused and a witness’s child that had occurred earlier that day.

“The accused was walking down the steps into the car park when a witness advised Ms Thomson to get in to the car and leave due to an incident that had happened earlier that day.

“Thomson walked towards her car when the accused shouted and swore.

“He shouted, ‘If you touch my daughter, it’ll be the last thing you do’.

“The accused was pointing in an aggressive manner and shouted, ‘I’ll deal with you and I’ll deal with her,’ pointing at Thomson as she was standing by her car.

“The accused was reciting and shouting the witness’s car registrati­on number in an attempt to memorise it.

“Thomson left in her car. “Thomson is another parent who has a child at the school.

“She observed a marked police car nearby and flagged it down as she feared for her safety and she informed them of the incident.

“Police advised the witness to make her way home and officers would attend to speak with her.

“Police attended and spoke with the victim.

“Around 5.40pm on September 17, police attended at the accused’s home address and advised him he was placed under arrest.

“He was cautioned and charged and taken to Greenock Police Station.

“When asked if he wished to respond, he said, ‘I was being a bit of a s**t because of what was happening to my daughter, I was a bit OTT but I wasn’t violent’.”

McIlwraith, of Tannahill Road, Paisley, admitted shouting and swearing at Castlehead High School on September 16, last year.

Ms Murdoch added that the Crown would be seeking a nonharassm­ent order as Ms Thomson is “very fearful of her safety”.

Defence solicitor David Nicholson claimed that Ms Thomson and her child had been involved in the bullying of McIlwraith’s daughter and this is why he acted in the manner that he did.

Sheriff Eoin McGinty said: “I could send you to prison today, however, I am going to defer sentence for the preparatio­n of reports.”

Sentence was deferred for the preparatio­n of a criminal justice social work report and a restrictio­n of liberty order assessment.

Considerat­ion of a nonharassm­ent order has also been continued.

McIlwraith will return to court on December 20 for sentencing.

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