Paisley Daily Express

Hagg Bar A edge out pubmates


Division 1 reigning champions Hagg Bar A narrowly beat their pubmates in the latest round of Paisley and District Darts League fixtures.

Hagg Bar C did not make it easy for the A team with the score standing at 3-3 after the singles.

Hagg A showed their class however, winning the match in the first two doubles before losing the last to end the game 5-4 and take a hard-fought two points. The defeat for the C team keeps them in fifth place.

Flying Horse retain second place in the table after a thumping 8-1 win over neighbours Arthurlie Inns, with the win putting them four legs ahead of their nearest rivals.

The loss for Arthurlie means they lose one place and go to ninth in the Division.

Clachan Arrows and The New Saints take up third equal spot behind the Flying Horse team and both had games that went all the way to the last doubles this week when they faced Railway Inn and Court Bar respective­ly.

With both games finishing 5-4 there is still nothing to separate them as they both sit on eight points and have both won 26 legs.

The loss for Railway Inn keeps them tied with Hagg Bar C in fifth spot, while Court Bar slip one place into eighth place.

Kelburne Cricket Club took advantage of the results around them as they climb two places up to seventh after a 6-3 win over Railway Inn B, who currently sit in tenth.

In Division 2 Pockets A continue to set the pace at the top of the table after a crushing 7-2 win over pubmates Pockets B, with Chris Coyle leading the way for the A team as he featured in all three highlights lists.

The Clachan Bar climb one place into second as they beat one time table-toppers Keystone C 6-3, leapfroggi­ng their rivals in the process.

Charleston Arms are also on the rise as they move up two places into third after a massive 9-0 win over Hazel Pirates, who have still to win a match.

Gryffe Inn are now equal on points and legs won with the Charleston team after they scored a 6-3 away win at Keystone B, with the loss dropping the Keystone side into sixth.

In the last game in the division Tartan Rose claimed their first win of the year as they travelled to play The Hazel Nuts. They came away with both points after a well deserved 7-2 win.

There were a total of 14 maximums scored, taking the season total to 78 with Railway Inn’s Andy Bryan scoring two.

There were 14 legs of darts finished in 18 darts or less, with the best of these being 12-dart legs from Andy Bryan, Clachan Arrows player Mark Crawford and New Saints’John Williamson.

The highest finish of the night was a 132 checkout from Court Bar’s Ben Barilli.

Three players featured in all three highlights tables this week with Mark Crawford of Court Bar, Chris Coyle of Pockets A and John Williamson of The New Saints all scoring a maximum, finishing a game in 18 darts or less and scoring a checkout of 100 or more.

The pick of the ties next week looks to be Clachan Arrows up against Flying Horse in Division 1.

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