Paisley Daily Express

Drinks with ex turned sour when yob trashed the garden

Woman forced to flee indoors


A topless lout trashed his ex-girlfriend’s garden before lauching an abusive tirade at her.

Daniel McDermid, of Maxwellton Road, Paisley, had been drinking with Joanne Fletcher in the back garden of her Tannahill Terrace home on July 17 last year.

But the 34-year-old suddenly saw red, forcing Ms Fletcher to flee indoors, and he began throwing garden furniture around, ending up with blood on his face.

Procurator fiscal deputy Caitlin O’Hare told Paisley Sheriff Court: “On July 17, 2021, Joanne Fletcher and the accused were in her back garden drinking alcohol.

“The accused became irate for unknown reasons.

“As a result, Ms Fletcher returned to her property and the accused stayed outside.

“This continued for a few hours when the accused began throwing garden furniture around the garden.

“The accused then approached the front door and began banging on it demanding his property from within.

“McDermid began to kick the door repeatedly. No damage was done to the door but it caused alarm to Ms Fletcher who was inside with her child.

“Entry was refused and the accused continued to damage furniture and throw items around the garden.

“Ms Fletcher eventually opened the door and saw the accused with his top off and his face was covered in blood.

“The accused approached Ms Fletcher and was shouting, ‘Give me my bag and keys, you f ***** g boot, you’re a f ***** g lying cow.’

“Ms Fletcher told him his bag was in the garden, but he refused to listen.

“Due to the shouting, a neighbour attended to check Ms Fletcher was safe.

“The accused continued to shout at Ms Fletcher stating, ‘get my f ***** g bag out’.

“The neighbour asked McDermid to calm down, but he refused and shouted to Ms Fletcher, ‘you done this, I don’t care about your back, I built it.’

“Ms Fletcher contacted police and they traced the accused in the street, still shirtless and shouting.

“He was cautioned and made several admissions to police, saying he, ‘wrecked the back door and had went mental’.

“He was taken to the Royal Alexandra Hospital due to the blood on his face and was later cautioned and charged and released on an undertakin­g.”

McDermid admitted repeatedly striking a door, throwing items, shouting, swearing and refusing to leave when asked to do so by Ms Fletcher.

Defence agent Terry Gallanagh told the court this was “drunken conduct.”

He explained: “The parties have remained friends. Their contact is less than before, but they have a friendly relationsh­ip and nothing more than that.

“He fully accepts his responsibi­lity and exhibits his remorse.”

Sheriff Tom McCartney said: “This was an offence that took place over an extended period and there was a child in the property, this is not a minor matter.”

Sheriff McCartney imposed a £180 fine, to be paid at £10 per fortnight.






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