Paisley Daily Express



A fuming husband battered his father-in-law outside a supermarke­t after he made remarks about his own family.

Alistair Liddell, of Cumnock Drive, Barrhead, saw red when James Terviot approached him and his family in Iceland on July 9, last year.

Terviot made derogatory remarks towards Liddell, his wife and their children when Liddell lost his temper and repeatedly punched him.

Procurator fiscal depute Maria Murdoch told Paisley Sheriff Court: “The accused was in Iceland with his wife and children when Mr Terviot, who is the father of the accused’s wife, approached and a verbal dispute took place.

“This then carried out to the street where the accused caused Mr Terviot to fall to the ground and repeatedly punch him on the face.

“A witness passing by stated, ‘What are you doing?’

“This caused the accused to stop and look up and then he walked away from the situation to a nearby bench.

“Police arrived and the accused freely stated, ‘Just so you know, it was me that hit him, I’ll wait here for you’.

“An ambulance was requested for Terviot and the accused was taken to Cathcart police station where he was cautioned and arrested, when he stated, ‘I admit to what happened, I don’t know what else to say, to be honest’.”

The court heard Mr Terviot suffered two cuts to his forehead and each wound required three stitches.

Defence agent, Rhona Lynch told the court this was an “unfortunat­e and sad” incident with a lot of background.

Ms Lynch explained: “Mr Liddell’s wife hasn’t spoken with her father for about 16 years following a family argument where Mr Liddell was assaulted by Mr Terviot.

“Since then, the relationsh­ip completely broke down.

“On this day, Mr Terviot approached the family.

“He made derogatory remarks to Mr Liddell’s wife and then about their children.

“Mr Liddell is deeply embarrasse­d about what happened.

“When Mr Terviot left the shop he was very close to his daughter’s face.

“And Mr Liddell thought he was going to assault his wife.

“He is regretful for his conduct and regretful he was unable to control his anger.

“They were simply doing their shopping, minding their business when the complainer approached and acted in a disgracefu­l manner.”

Sheriff Bruce Erroch QC said: “You come before this court as a man of good character.

“The way you acted on the day was wholy unacceptab­le, although I do understand the behaviour of another person involved led you to act in this manner.”

Sheriff Erroch QC ordered Liddell to pay a fine of £470 at the rate of £15 per week.

He is regretful for his conduct and regretful he was unable to control his anger

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