Paisley Daily Express

‘End of the line’ for thug as he is jailed


A Rangers fan has been jailed after he failed to complete his unpaid work and supervisio­n requiremen­ts.

John Boyd had previously been placed on a community payback order after he launched a tirade of sectarian abuse at officers who found him sozzled in the street“celebratin­g”.

Boyd was spotted clutching a bottle of Buckfast and Hooch, while draped in a Rangers flag in Fulbar Road, Paisley, on April 18, 2021.

Once arrested, Boyd, 26, rubbed his nose on PC Iain McLelland and, while en route to the station, cops were forced to stop on the hard shoulder of the M8 as the lout started kicking the roof and window of the car.

While at the police station, Boyd shouted and swore at cops, stating: ‘youse are Fe***n b ****** s’and repeatedly shouted,‘Celtic are p **** s’.

Sheriff Brian Mohan imposed a“direct alternativ­e to custody”last year but, due to repeated breaches of the order, he was jailed for eight months.

Boyd, who appeared in the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court wearing a Rangers top, was warned by Sheriff Mohan that it was“highly inappropri­ate.”

Defence agent Colin McLaughlan told the court the incident in 2021 was a result of Boyd turning to alcohol to deal with

“trauma”after being stabbed.

Mr McLaughlan added:“He had some difficulti­es.

“He says he is a Rangers fan and he hadn’t been at the football, but was having some sort of celebratio­ns.

“This was more of an excuse to turn to drink, rather than celebrate anything.”

Sentencing, Sheriff Brian Mohan said: “You know your problems but I think you’ve reached the end of the line.

“You breach these court orders time and time again.

“I’m going to revoke the order and impose a period of imprisonme­nt.”

Boyd, of Moorpark Crescent, Prestwick, South Ayrshire, was jailed for 16 months reduced to eight months.

 ?? ?? Jailed John Boyd appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court
Jailed John Boyd appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court

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