Paisley Daily Express

Woman struck partner’s car with glass jar


A Paisley woman has been fined after she repeatedly struck the window of her partner’s car with a glass jar.

Business owner Monika Woznica spent the day drinking on February 16 and, when her long-term partner Lukasz Trybus asked her to go to bed, she saw red and became aggressive towards him.

The 39-year-old made her way out to the couple’s driveway in Paisley’s Foxbar Road where she threw the glass jar off the car several times, causing it damage, before becoming involved in a “scuffle” with her partner.

Procurator fiscal depute Dana Barclay told Paisley Sheriff Court Woznica and Trybus have been in a relationsh­ip for three years and live together.

Ms Barclay explained: “On February 16, the accused had been consuming alcohol and Mr Trybus asked her to stop drinking and go to bed.

“The accused stated she wanted to get something from the vehicle parked in the driveway and she became irate and started shouting aggressive­ly at Trybus.

“Woznica then picked up a glass jar and went outside and struck the window of the vehicle, belonging to the complainer in the driveway, several times.

“This caused some damage to the window.

“Both the accused and Trybus then became involved in a minor scuffle with the complainer being pushed.

“Police were contacted, attended and learned the incident had been captured on CCTV and reviewed this footage.

“The accused was arrested, cautioned and charged and made the reply, ‘I don’t agree with this, it’s not true. I did because I want my property’.

“She was later released on an undertakin­g to appear at this court.”

Defence agent Ms Reid explained this was an “unfortunat­e situation”.

Ms Reid explained: “This is unfortunat­e after three years of a relationsh­ip, but it’s understood both parties want the relationsh­ip to continue. She is the main bread winner and pays the mortgage of the house that the couple live in.

“The complainer has been paying rent at another property where she has had to live while subject to police bail undertakin­g conditions.

“She has no previous conviction­s and works full-time with two jobs.

“She is a company secretary and she has a cleaning business.

“Ms Woznica accepts there may be a possibilit­y of an issue with alcohol and following this, she has signed herself up for treatment.”

Sheriff Grant Hutchison said: “I note you have no previous conviction­s and so I am prepared to deal with this by means of a financial penalty.”

Sheriff Hutchison fined Woznica £600 reduced to £400 to reflect her guilty plea at the earliest opportunit­y.

A victim surcharge of £20 was imposed and the total fine of £420 was ordered to be paid at the rate of £100 per month.

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