Paisley Daily Express

Knife thug given ‘carrot and stick’ approach to avoid prison

Sheriff gives yob last chance


A Paisley thug who has four pages of previous conviction­s and was caught with a knife in his jacket pocket has been given a “carrot and a stick” by a sheriff.

Darren McCrory was caught with the blade on September 14 last year, in Paisley’s Brown Street.

Cops had reason to search the 35-year-old and when they discovered the knife hidden in his jacket pocket, he was arrested and spent the night in the cells.

And at Paisley Sheriff Court, McCrory was given an ultimatum to play a part in deciding his own sentencing fate.

Sheriff Gillian Craig was told McCrory is subject to a drug treatment testing order which is due to expire in September.

McCrory is said to be doing “exceptiona­lly well” on his order and so Sheriff Craig deferred sentence to allow him to progress in his order stating: “It is to your credit you’re doing exceptiona­lly well on this order.

“What I’m going to do is a carrot and a stick.

“I’m going to defer sentence. If you do well and continue on this positive path, I’ll impose a community based order.

“If you don’t do well on this drug treatment testing order, I’ll have to impose a period in custody.”

Procurator fiscal depute, Matt Piskorz previously told the court “Around 5.20am police officers on uniform, mobile patrol were in the west end of Paisley when they were tasked to attend an unrelated matter in Brown Street.

“On attending, officers saw the accused and detained him for the purposes of a search.

“During the search, a box-cutter style knife was found in the accused’s jacket pocket.

“The knife had a retractabl­e blade. The accused was cautioned and charged and made no reply and was taken to Greenock police station where he was held in custody to appear at this court the following day.”

The Crown made a motion for forfeiture of the knife which was granted by Sheriff Craig.

McCrory admitted to being in possession of a knife in a public place without “reasonable excuse or lawful authority”.

McCrory’s defence agent told the court he understood this was a “very serious matter” for him given his previous conviction.

The thug had been jailed for three months in 2007 for possession of a knife.

Rhona Lynch said: “Mr McCrory’s explanatio­n is that he had been using the knife for work, he works with his brother and had forgot it was in his jacket pocket.

“He has been doing well with his order and he is highly motivated to keep up the good work.

“He used to have a chronic Valium addiction but he now appears to be a man who’s turned his life around.

“He’s moved to a quieter area of Paisley having lived in the West End which he described as the drug capital of the town. He is moving on with this life and is making great progress.”

Sheriff Gillian Craig amended McCrory’s curfew to keep him within his home address between midnight and 7am each day and deferred sentence until August 16.

If you do well... I’ll impose a community based order

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 ?? ?? Warning Darren McCrory appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court
Warning Darren McCrory appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court

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