Paisley Daily Express

Yob drove stolen vehicle head-on into police car


A banned driver who stole two motors and drove one head-on into a police car has been jailed for over two years.

Out-of-contol Lee McEachan stole a Vauxhall Corsa from Renfrew’s Marjory Road which ended up in a police pursuit.

McEachan drove the Corsa at double the speed limit through multiple Paisley streets – and on the wrong side of the road in a bid to outrun cops on December 5 last year.

Once cops caught up with the 27-year-old crook, McEachan made off on foot resulting in the police helicopter being brought in to trace him.

Later that day, McEachan then stole a Mercedes Benz from the Glynhill Hotel.

Cops were alerted to the stolen vehicle at the Glennifer Braes car park where McEachan drove the vehicle head-on into a police car before managing to flee the scene.

Procurator fiscal depute Flora Napier told Paisley Sheriff Court a woman parked her car around 10am on Marjory Road in Renfrew on November 30 last year. When she returned around 10.45am, the car was gone and she reported this to police.

Ms Napier explained: “About 3pm on December 5, police were travelling on Renfrew Road directly behind the stolen Corsa which was being driven by the accused.

“The accused turned onto Netherhill Road and was signalled to stop, which he did.

“PC Caldwell approached the car but the accused made off, turning right onto Abbott Street having driven on the wrong side of the road.

“McEachan turned onto Gallowhill Road which has a speed limit of 30mph. The accused was seen travelling at speeds up to 60mph and on the wrong side of the road.

“He then turned onto Baron Road and then Cluny Drive, again driving on the wrong side of the road. The accused then turned into an area containing numerous lock-ups which appeared to be a dead end.

“PC Tagny attempted to position the police vehicle tight against the driver’s door of the stolen Corsa to prevent the accused making off.

“However, the accused was able to open the door and made off on foot.

“Despite numerous units, along with the police helicopter attending the area, the accused was able to flee the scene.”

The court then heard how a couple attended the Glynhill Hotel and Spa on December 5 in a Mercedes Benz. The male owner put the car keys in a bag within a locker.

CCTV shows bold McEachan enter the hotel, walk upstairs and enter the leisure facilities before leaving the hotel and driving away in the Mercedes Benz.

Ms Napier added: “Around 2.25am on December 6, police officers McClure and Black were actioned to attend the Glennifer Braes car park due to a report of a vehicle driving over the grass at speed.

“On arrival, officers noted the vehicle being driven by the accused and checks confirmed it was the stolen Mercedes Benz.

“Officers saw the vehicle’s exterior lights go out and the accused began to drive in a loop to avoid the police vehicles.

“McEachan then drove the stolen car towards a marked police car, intentiona­lly colliding with the front of the car causing damage and allowing him to exit the car park.”

McEachan then drove “at speed” in the direction of Paisley where cops had managed to set up a stinger device.

“Ms Napier explained: “The device was successful, bringing about a slow deflation of three of the Mercedes Benz tyres. However, the accused continued to drive at around 60mph in a 30mph zone despite the deflated tyres.

“The accused was stopped in Stock Street and placed in handcuffs and arrested.

“Police checks confirmed McEachan was a disqualifi­ed driver until January 2027 and subject to a bail curfew at the time of the offence.”

Defence agent Ms Jack told the court McEachan, described as a prisoner of HMP Low Moss, Bishopbrig­gs, East Dunbartons­hire, suffers “poor mental health”.

She added: “He is very aware this could have ended catastroph­ically not only for him or the police officers involved in the chase but also any member of the public.

“He is aware these are very serious charges and aware he will receive a significan­t sentence.”

Sheriff Eoin McGinty jailed McEachan for a total of 33 months.

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