Paisley Daily Express

What happened to flight MH370?


TEN years after Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 disappeare­d with 239 passengers and crew on board on March 8, 2014, this hard-hitting documentar­y looks for answers.

The tragedy, when the aircraft vanished 40 minutes into the flight, has become the greatest unsolved mystery in aviation.

There were no distress calls, no signals and no one knew what had happened.

Where is the plane and why did it disappear?

Many questions the families of the missing passengers and crew had that night have still not been answered.

Jacquita Gonzales, wife of the flight’s steward Patrick Gomes, says: “We were just waiting for news and they couldn’t tell us anything at all. My children were calling me… I said everything was being done to find dad and hopefully bring him home soon.”

A decade later, this film investigat­es if new evidence can help the case of the missing aircraft. And it asks, what lessons can be learnt to make aviation safer?

As new evidence emerges of MH370’s possible location through pioneering radio technology, which has never been used to locate a missing plane before, the documentar­y hears from scientists at the University of Liverpool who are undertakin­g a major new study to verify how viable the technology is, and what this could mean for locating the aircraft.

There are also interviews with relatives of the missing, aviation experts, and former Malaysian Airlines employees, as well as current and former pilots.

The film also rakes over other commercial aviation incidents to try and piece together what may have really happened to MH370.

BBC1, 8pm

 ?? ?? The flight’s mysterious u-turn was picked up by Malaysian military radar
Jacquita Gonzales, wife of missing MH370 crew member Patrick Gomes
The flight’s mysterious u-turn was picked up by Malaysian military radar Jacquita Gonzales, wife of missing MH370 crew member Patrick Gomes

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