Paisley Daily Express

Brute slammed for violent abuse against woman


A man who stabbed his partner in the neck with a knife was told by a sheriff he was lucky not to have killed her.

A jury found violent Przemyslaw Borkowski unanimousl­y guilty of causing his ex-partner “severe injury and permanent disfigurem­ent” following a trial at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Between January and November 2022, Borkowski engaged “in a course of behaviour” which was abusive towards his ex-partner, Malgorzata Piatkowska.

The 40-year-old brute shouted and swore at his former partner with the town’s court hearing he made threats of violence towards her.

The court heard how in January 2022, Borkowski struck his partner in the neck with a knife which required medical treatment and left her permanentl­y scarred.

The thug then instructed his partner to pack her bags at their property in Well Street, and demand that she left the house.

Borkowski then bombarded his partner with threatenin­g and derogatory messages.

Then in November 2022, the thug attacked his partner again, this time by repeatedly punching her to the head, chasing her with a knife and holding a knife to her throat.

Sheriff Neil Kinnear slammed the thug’s behaviour, stating: “The first incident in January 2022 was where you struck Ms Piatkowska in the neck with a knife.

“It is lucky indeed that you did not do more damage to her than you did as I’m sure you are aware, blows with a knife to the neck can often be fatal.

“Then there was a second incident in November 2022, where you were again found guilty of assaulting her, albeit you didn’t strike her with a knife, but you brandished a knife, a knife was used at a time you knew she had already suffered an injury caused by you 10 months earlier and that causes the court concern.”

Borkowski admitted that he breached a court order on February 22, 2022 by repeatedly contacting Ms Piatkowska and that he breached the order again on November 27, 2022 by approachin­g and contacting his ex in Paisley’s Cardell Drive.

The jury also found Borkowski guilty of assaulting a police officer when they turned up to Cardell Drive to arrest him on November 27, 2022.

And while in the back of a police car being taken to Greenock police station, the thug struck his head and fists violently against the van window and behaved in an aggressive manner.

Defence agent Paul Coyle told the court Borkowski hasn’t had any contact with his ex-partner since November 2022.

Mr Coyle added: “Now having additional informatio­n on Mr Borkowski from the supplement­ary criminal justice social work report, it allows me to suggest there may be an alternativ­e to a custodial sentence. He would comply with any order made by the court.”

The court also heard how Borkowski had a “difficult childhood and upbringing” and as a result suffers mental health difficulti­es.

Borkowski was also slammed by Sheriff Kinnear as the multiple social work reports showed Borkowski minimises his domestic abuse.

The sheriff stated: “I am concerned to read your minimisati­on and denial of your offending which makes you unsuitable for the Caledonian programme and I also note that your position appears to vary between reports. In the latest report you indicate that you’ve not used alcohol or illicit drugs for three years – that report was prepared in March.

“However, in your explanatio­n on the November incident, you said that you and your partner got into a verbal altercatio­n which started after the consumptio­n of a 70cl of vodka and an indefinite amount of amphetamin­e.”

Borkowski, described as a prisoner of Low Moss, East Dunbartons­hire, was jailed for a total of 18 months with Sheriff Kinnear stating: “Stabbing anyone in the neck with a knife is a serious offence. After serious reflection and considerat­ion, I have unfortunat­ely come to the view custody is the appropriat­e disposal.”

It is lucky that you did not do more damage to her... blows with a knife can often be fatal

 ?? ?? On trial Przemyslaw Borkowski was unanimousl­y found guilty of striking his partner in the neck by a jury at Paisley Sheriff Court
On trial Przemyslaw Borkowski was unanimousl­y found guilty of striking his partner in the neck by a jury at Paisley Sheriff Court

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