Paisley Daily Express

Jail for danger driver crash coward who abandoned injured pals


A boozed-up young dad who crashed his car after drinking with friends and then fled the scene – abandoning them with broken ribs, backs and necks – has been jailed for 14 months.

Cowardly Calum Wilmington had been socialisin­g with old school friends at the Gryffe Inn, Bridge of Weir, in August 2022 when he got behind the wheel under the influence to drive his four pals home.

Wilmington lost control of the car after he “aquaplaned”, causing the Vauxhall Corsa to spin 180 degrees, hit a kerb and then flip on to its side.

The 22-year-old ran off unscathed from the traumatic incident which left one passenger with broken bones in his neck, back and ribs.

The same victim also suffered two bleeds on the brain, leaving him with short-term memory loss, light sensitivit­y and requiring long-term neurologic­al treatment.

Yesterday at Paisley Sheriff Court, Sheriff Eoin McGinty slammed Wilmington’s “series of terrible decisions”.

He insisted the “only appropriat­e sentence is a period of custody” due to Wilmington’s culpabilit­y; he had pleaded guilty to dangerous driving at an earlier hearing.

Prosecutor Michael Cunningham previously told the court: “Around 1am on August 28, 2022, Aidan Carslaw, Dillon Carslaw, Nina Docherty and Ciaran Docherty were within the accused’s Corsa travelling in the direction of Howwood.

“Wilmington was driving the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and, while on Kibbleston Road, he lost control of the vehicle while travelling at excessive speed for the road conditions, while on a bend, and coming off the road with the vehicle resting on its side on a verge at the side of the road.

“Wilmington left the scene prior to police and ambulance staff arriving.”

The court heard Aidan, who had been sat in back of the car, bravely managed to make his way to a nearby house where he asked the owner to call an ambulance for him and his friends.

All four passengers were rushed to hospital for treatment while cops subsequent­ly traced disgraced Wilmington back at his home in Horsewood Road, Bridge of Weir.

Mr Cunningham added: “At the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Dillon was assessed and diagnosed with broken bones in his neck, back, rib and with two bleeds on the brain.

“His left ear also required several stitches. He was placed in a full back and neck brace for a minimum of six to 12 weeks.

“As a result of the bleeds, he has issues with his short term memory and will require longterm neurologic­al treatment through the NHS.”

Mr Cunningham explained Nina suffered a broken collarbone and a cut to her scalp which required glueing.

She has since advised she now “struggles with her mental health as a result of the incident” and is “fearful and anxious” of entering back into a vehicle.

Ciaran sustained a fractured neck and suffered broken bones in his back. He was placed in a full back and neck brace for a


minimum of three months and issued with walking aids. Aidan suffered a three-inch laceration to his head which was treated with five staples and glue.

Mr Cunningham explained Wilmington was “uninjured” during the incident.

Defence agent Jim Clarke explained the Rolls-Royce apprentice engineer has been “dismissed” as a result of this conviction.

Mr Clarke added: “Mr Wilmington has never at any time sought to diminish the very serious nature of this incident.

“The complainer­s have physically recovered but he acknowledg­es that is not the whole story.

“He demonstrat­es profound remorse and the trauma which the complainer­s have suffered has been acknowledg­ed and he similarly suffers mental scars.”

Sentencing, Sheriff McGinty said: “You made a series of terrible decisions.

“You made the decision to get into your car at 1am after drinking for several hours in the pub. It must have been abundantly clear you were drunk as three hours later when you were breathalys­ed, you were three times the limit.

“You carried your friends as passengers, knowing you were drunk. You made the decision to drive at excessive speed and crashed your car causing it to land on its side.

“You then made the decision to flee the scene. It was an attempt to avoid detection. You didn’t help your friends and nor did you attempt to call emergency services to render help for them.”

Wilmington was also banned from driving for 35 months for the offence.

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