Paisley Daily Express

Humza has done a stellar job


Last week marked the anniversar­y of our First Minister, Humza Yousaf, taking up his post and what a year it has been.

During his time as First Minister, he has focused on tackling poverty through investment in public services, building a new relationsh­ip with business, and helping people with the cost-of-living crisis.

Keeping fairness and equality at the heart of everything – which has been the SNP way for as long as I can remember – our First Minister has thoroughly taken on the role and I think I can safely say he is doing us all proud.

Indeed, recently published analysis estimates that over 100,000 children will be kept out of poverty in 2024-25 as a direct result of Scottish Government policies, and the

Scottish Child Payment alone has helped to reduce financial pressure on households for the families of more than 327,000 children.

During the current Tory cost-of-living crisis, and while Labour sit on their hands and prop up the shameful system of austerity we’ve been under for far too long, I know from speaking to constituen­ts right here in our town how truly life-changing the Scottish Child Payment has been for them and their families – and these figures will only continue to grow as more and more kids benefit from a First Minister and government who will always put them first.

Equally, last week saw the announceme­nt of a further £30 million investment into mental health services as both the communitie­s mental health and wellbeing fund for adults, and the children and young people’s community mental health and wellbeing supports, have been awarded £15 million each for 2024-25.

Upon accepting the office of First Minister, Humza Yousaf reiterated his personal commitment to supporting those living with mental health challenges so I know this increased funding will be greatly appreciate­d by not only both funds, but the thousands of people and projects they support.

It shouldn’t be forgotten that this £30m is in conjunctio­n with a whopping £1.3 billion the Scottish Government has committed to go towards tackling mental health challenges and end the stigma of living with a mental health issue in the 2024/25 budget.

Finally, last week a massive £10m was committed to improve the education outcomes of care experience­d children and young people across Scotland – throughout their education and beyond.

The £10m is set to be shared by local authoritie­s through the care experience­d children and young people fund which was launched in 2018 to deliver initiative­s such as mentoring and out of school support to name a few.

Just like our First Minister’s commitment to supporting those living with mental health challenge, he has long been fully committed to Keeping the Promise – which states that every single child should grow up loved, safe, supported and respected, as well as being given every opportunit­y to flourish and reach their full potential.

After a year in office, I am sure you can all agree our First Minister has done a stellar job and I can’t wait to see what we can achieve with him at the helm in the year to come.

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 ?? ?? Top job anniversar­y Humza Yousaf has completed his first year as Scottish Government First Minister
Top job anniversar­y Humza Yousaf has completed his first year as Scottish Government First Minister

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