Paisley Daily Express

We need strong voices to speak up


With every passing week, it feels like the UK General Election is coming closer and that the incompeten­t UK Tory government can’t hold out for much longer.

Even in the past few days, they’ve managed to lose a couple of junior ministers who have resigned, stating that they won’t be standing for election again.

On top of recent by-election defeats and rumours about Tory MPs wanting to topple another leader, and force the electorate to put up with yet another unelected Tory Prime Minister, maybe this election could be along sooner than we think.

Normally during the run up to an election, you would get the main parties outlining their policies – focusing on what makes them different from other parties.

Yet Labour is not only condemning the Tory government for their failures, but at the same time becoming a pale imitation of the party they want to replace in government!

In the past few weeks, we have even seen Labour frontbench­ers, including Sir Keir Starmer, his shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves and shadow foreign secretary David Lammy all proclaimin­g how great Margaret Thatcher was.

It’s clear that Labour have given up any hope of winning seats in Scotland with such pronouncem­ents.

The only other mainstream alternativ­e on offer is the Liberal Democrats but who would want their leader – Sir Ed Davey – as Prime Minister when he was the minister who turned his back on the Post Office Horizon scandal, which led to so many people facing false charges.

Although the wheels of justice are slow, and it looks like it’s going to take some time for all those hounded by the Post Office to get their names cleared and receive compensati­on, at least there is something for them to look forward to – unlike the WASPI (Women Against State Pension Inequality) women.

Despite their long-running campaign to fight for justice for all women born in the 1950s affected by the changes to the state pension age which were implemente­d with inadequate or no notice, their justice campaign seems to have slid further down the plans of both Labour and Tory parties.

A recent report by the Parliament­ary and Health Service Ombudsman found changes to the state pension age were not communicat­ed adequately and those affected should receive an apology and compensati­on.

However, the Tory government has failed to act and now even the Labour party – again copying the Tories – are trying to back away from the original support they gave to WASPI women.

In 2019, the Labour party promised compensati­on for the WASPI women but, recently, the chair of Labour said circumstan­ces have changed and that the women deserve “respect” – that simply isn’t good enough.

We all remember the photos of Labour politician­s standing beside those women who had their retirement plans destroyed by successive Westminste­r government­s, claiming they support them and agreed they should be given compensati­on.

Where are those Labour politician­s now?

The treatment of the WASPI women highlights a Westminste­r system of government that doesn’t care – and now it shows that any future Labour government are simply going to follow the Tories and offer respect but no compensati­on.

It’s getting clearer that the only strong voice – whether for WASPI women or for anyone else in Scotland – is to vote SNP.

 ?? ?? Shoulder to shoulder
The story of the WASPI women highlights the current system
Shoulder to shoulder The story of the WASPI women highlights the current system
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