Paisley Daily Express

WASPI women still being stung



When I was first elected in 2015, the very first constituen­t who came to me for help turned out to be one of many women born in the 1950s who did not know their retirement age had drasticall­y changed.

This issue began with John Major’s Pension Act changing the state pension age for women from 60 to 65, with these state pension age changes proposed to be rolled out between 2010 and 2020.

This change came at the expense of 1950s-born women who got no warning that these changes would be coming.

Some women reported being notified 14 years after the changes were decided. Some have still not received any formal notificati­on.

Fast forward to 2011 and David Cameron introduced a new pensions act that both shortened the timetable to increase the pension age for women by two years but also raised the state pension age further for women to 66 by October 2020.

This was estimated to save the Tories around £30 billion.

As more women learned they were affected, organisati­on allowed these women to band together under the name: ‘Women Against State Pension Inequality’ (WASPI).

After numerous parliament­ary debates, questions, reports and media coverage, in 2018 WASPI finally secured an investigat­ion into the injustice that has been inflicted on them by the UK Government. After five years, that investigat­ion has now published its findings.

For nearly 10 years, the WASPI women have not just been waiting for compensati­on, but also for official recognitio­n that they were failed by consecutiv­e Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) department­s.

The Parliament­ary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) published the longoverdu­e report which states, “a finding of failings by DWP in this case and has ruled that the women affected are owed compensati­on”.

Everyone and their granny could have told you the women affected should be compensate­d – but it is welcome that the Ombudsman has at least validated that fact officially. However, the battle is far from over.

The chief executive of the PHSO, Rebecca Hilsenrath, has already made clear that the DWP have indicated without a doubt that it will refuse to comply with what the PHSO report suggests. She says: “This is unacceptab­le. The department must do the right thing and it must be held to account for failure to do so.”

So, how do we hold the UK Government to account? The most effective method is through a General Election where we can have a DWP clearout.

The only other party in the position to form a future UK Government is the Labour party. They have refused to even agree in principle that women affected should be paid compensati­on. We can only assume that neither a Tory nor Labour government are prepared to pay up.

The reality of no compensati­on literally means the deaths of more women who’ve been affected.

I looked at a photograph from 2015/16 that I had taken with the Renfrewshi­re WASPI group and was reminded of those who are no longer with us. Women who were forced to sell their belongings and return to low paid, insecure work to try and make ends meet.

Women who were worked into an early grave by government’s refusal to act.

Their passing will not, and must not, be in vain. If the Ombudsman has no faith in the DWP, then why should the rest of us?

It is upon all parliament­arians to rise to the challenge and give these women the justice they are so long overdue.

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