Paisley Daily Express

Sex beast preyed on ‘young girls’


A beast described as “every parent’s worst nightmare” is behind bars after being caught talking sexually online to several young girls.

Twisted Christophe­r Craven admitted he thought he was speaking explicitly to six young girls aged between 12 and 14 years old when in fact they were all undercover police officers.

And when the creep was arrested and released on bail with conditions not to have any contact with children under the age of 16, he blatantly breached that condition twice by again talking to online decoys.

The 39-year-old fiend would ask the girls for their bra size, sent them videos of pornograph­y to “learn” how to please him, called them his “little toy” and told them they could call him “master, sir or daddy”.

Procurator fiscal depute Matt Piskorz told Paisley Sheriff Court: “Police officer Maddie is an undercover officer and was deployed online where she portrayed a 13-year-old girl named Maddie.

“Between February 8, 2022 and February 9, 2022, Maddie engaged in conversati­on with the accused whereby he directed sexually explicit communicat­ion towards her.

“The chat started with the accused telling the decoy he was 37 years old and Maddie stating she was 13.

“It was not long into the conversati­on when the sexualised chat started.

“Some of the things he said included: ‘what bra size are you’ and ‘I am looking for girls to be sexual with’.”

Mr Piskorz told the court between September 27, 2022 and October 12, 2022, warped Craven spoke to a 14-year-old girl called Ava. He again asked her bra size and instructed her to remove her clothes and perform a sex act on herself.

Craven, formally of Finch Place in Johnstone, also sent Ava a 10-minute pornograph­y video.

Court heard Craven also spoke online to 14-year-old Paige between October 31, 2022 and November 8, 2022, he again asked her what size of bra she wore and if he turned her on.

Mr Piskorz added: “On December 2, 2022, undercover officer Sophie posed as a 12-year-old girl. The accused stated he was 38 and from Paisley, the chat thereafter turned sexualised.

“He asked her, ‘what’s your body like, are you in school uniform? I want to know if you’re sexy.’

“On October 25, 2023, an officer decoy posed as Emily, aged 12.

“The chat was immediatel­y sexualised with him asking about her sexual experience­s and asked for pictures of her.

“And on November 6, 2023, an officer acting as 14-year-old Ellie spoke with the accused. He asked her, ‘are you horny for older?”

Court heard the twisted paedophile was granted bail on December 6, 2022 and January 11, 2023 with conditions that he was prohibited from having any unsupervis­ed contact of any kind with a child.

When the beast was chatting to Emily and Ellie, he was breaching this condition.

Mr Piskorz made a motion for a sexual harm prevention order with a list of requiremen­ts to be made.

Craven’s defence agent invited the court to call for background reports due to the “absence” of previous offending.

He asked for Craven’s bail to be continued stating he would comply.

But Sheriff Gillian Craig said she had “concerns” in relation to the previous breaches of bail.

The sheriff slammed Craven stating: “You are every parent’s worst nightmare. You were put in a position of trust on bail and you breached that trust. I have concluded you will be remanded in custody.”

Sentence was deferred for the preparatio­n of background reports and a risk assessment.

Craven will return to court next month for sentencing and was placed on the Sex Offender’s Register meantime. Considerat­ion of the sexual harm prevention order was continued to the same date.

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 ?? ?? Guilty Craven was taken into custody from Paisley Sheriff Court
Guilty Craven was taken into custody from Paisley Sheriff Court

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