Paisley Daily Express

Thief has‘no recollecti­on’of break-ins after taking Valium


A Johnstone man has been ordered to carry out community service after breaking into cars in a Valium fuelled frenzy.

Daniel Grady broke into four cars on June 14, last year in three separate Johnstone streets while under the influence of drugs.

The 48-year-old stole goods worth over £200 and a set of house keys from another which resulted in the owner having to fork out to have her locks changed.

The procurator fiscal depute told Paisley Sheriff Court: “On June 14, the witness attended at their vehicle and noted the back door was ajar and paperwork was strewn all over.

“They noted a number of items including cash, a wallet and a jacket valued at £220 had been removed.

“Around 4am that day, the accused approached a vehicle and opened the rear passenger door and rummaged within, he then went to the boot area.

“This was captured on CCTV and the owner advised nothing was taken.

“Also that day, the witness Ms Hunter approached her vehicle and observed her work bag had been emptied onto the seat and footwell including a laptop and laptop charger.

“The glovebox had been left open and she discovered her house keys were not where she left them.

“She had to have her locks changed as a result costing £25.

“And at 8.30am, the witness was informed that a neighbour had seen a suspicious male trying doors of vehicles in the area.

“The glove box was left open but there was no financial loss to this owner.”

Defence agent Charlie McCusker told the court Grady, of Auchengreo­ch Circle, has “no recollecti­on” of events due to being on Valium at the time.

He told the court: “It’s fair to say the CCTV shows him staggering about.

“The background to this is a very close friend took an overdose and he found him dead in his house.

“This was very traumatic for him and he turned to Valium.

“He has sought help from agencies for his drug abuse and his worker has indicated he suffers from post traumatic stress disorder from incidents of abuse dating back to his younger days in Kibble.

“As a result he suffers insomnia, nightmares and anxiety.”

He added: “He has no recollecti­on of this but is very apologetic and accepts full responsibi­lity.”

Sheriff Erroch KC ordered Grady to carry out 200 hours of community service within 12 months and made him subject to supervisio­n of the social work department for one year as a “direct alternativ­e” to custody.

He has no recollecti­on of this but is very apologetic and accepts full responsibi­lity

 ?? ?? In the dock
Daniel Grady appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court
In the dock Daniel Grady appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court

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