Paisley Daily Express

Brexit costs continue to linger


Last week you could’ve been forgiven for thinking we had travelled back in time a few years as Brexit – and the disaster it’s been from the get-go – dominated most major news outlets.

Broadcaste­rs such as Sky and the BBC, to new media like The New European and POLITICO, all focussed on the horrendous effect Brexit has had on the current cost-of-living crisis and the state of the economy right now.

More recent reports have also revealed how new postBrexit UK border controls– coming into force later this month – are expected to cost British businesses £2bn and fuel higher inflation.

The report, by the insurer Allianz Trade, warns UK-EU trade will be damaged as a result.

Indeed, it is becoming more and more clear Brexit is a key reason why there is a cost-of-living crisis right now and why so many families and hard-working people are unnecessar­ily struggling to make ends meet.

You all know my opinion of Brexit and the Tory party’s selfish and short-sighted quest to alienate us from our UK friends and neighbours – it is nothing short of a disaster and will undoubtedl­y continue to have a negative impact on our communitie­s for years to come.

But what is even more distressin­g is the impact it is having on so many lives and livelihood­s right here in Scotland where the majority of voters did not even want to leave the European Union in the first place.

Yet despite the very clear mess the UK Government has made of things and news across the globe reporting the same, Westminste­r and its official opposition negligentl­y ignore these latest Brexit problems and their impact on life today because they simply don’t want us to connect these problems with Brexit and their weak, confused leadership.

But by avoiding Brexit and the inevitable fall out it has caused, Keir Starmer and his Labour cronies are only showing that they too do not really care about fixing the current economic problems we face, nor are they able to offer any hope or change – instead just more of the same we have been forced to live with for decades.

Just like Rishi Sunak, Starmer is taking Scotland for granted once again and thinks we will all just meekly accept Brexit and give in to Westminste­r and further years of needless cuts and austerity.

However, Scotland doesn’t have to accept this and settle for more empty promises and parties who will never put our communitie­s or needs first.

Only the SNP remains committed to Scotland, to re-joining the EU, and to reversing a plethora of damaging policies that have held us back for too long.

To really tackle the costof-living crisis and repair the economy, we must resolutely reject ‘Brexit Britain’ and back the party that will always put people, dignity, respect and fairness first.

The SNP in government have a proven track record of success for Scotland and it is time to escape the chaos we did not vote for and allow our country to flourish on its own and in partnershi­p with our European neighbours once again.

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 ?? ?? Warnings New Brexit controls are expected to cost businesses billions and hamper EU trade and exports
Warnings New Brexit controls are expected to cost businesses billions and hamper EU trade and exports

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