Paisley Daily Express



Outraged residents in Ferguslie say “it’s only a matter of time before someone is killed” as yet another fire ravaged the derelict houses in Tannahill.

The latest fire took place in Tannahill Terrace around 11.25pm on Monday evening.

Fire crews raced to the scene to tackle the blaze at the two-storey building which required two fire engines and a high-reach appliance.

One eyewitness said: “I saw the building well alight and there was heavy smoke drifting across the area.

“It started off with lots of smoke and then it blew up in flames. The roof collapsed and the fire spread to the next house.”

Firefighte­rs worked for almost six hours to douse the flames that could be seen spitting from the roof of the property in the Ferguslie Park area of town. It is the latest in a long line of fires which have been set within the abandoned estate during the past year.

Fortunatel­y, there were no injuries as a result of the fire but one local resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said he was afraid someone would be killed and joined a chorus of calls for the houses to be demolished as a matter of urgency.

He told the Express: “Fires in these buildings are becoming a regular occurrence.

“It is sheer idiocy. Fortunatel­y, no one has been injured in the fires yet but it is only a matter of time before they reach an innocent soul and leave them badly injured or worse – cause a fatality.

“And that’s the cold hard truth. These fires could kill someone and they are being set deliberate­ly almost every week.

“It’s about time the council got these buildings demolished and save valuable police and fire service resources.”

While the fires are being set alight in the derelict homes of Tannahill, some are being set just yards from newly-built homes in Ferguslie.

More than 100 new homes were built on the former St Fergus’ Primary School site, with houses on Tannahill Grove just yards from the flames.

 ?? ?? Torched Derelict houses in Tannahill Terrace were set on fire on Monday evening
Torched Derelict houses in Tannahill Terrace were set on fire on Monday evening

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