Paisley Daily Express

Thug faces jail after he was caught with blade in centre pub


A Renfrewshi­re thug could be facing jail time after being caught with a 30cm knife in his waistband in a Paisley pub.

Steven Hoolihan was snared after a member of the public made an anonymous call to Police Scotland stating they had spotted Hoolihan in Paisley’s New Street with the blade on February 16, last year.

The 26-year-old then made his way into The Hashtag Bar where cops arrested him.

Hoolihan, of Midton Road in Howwood, then went on to verbally abuse cops arresting him, making threats and a racial remark.

The thug was subject to a bail order made just over a month prior to the time of the offence.

Procurator fiscal depute Michael Cunningham told Paisley Sheriff Court: “Around 9.15pm, Police Scotland received an anonymous call stating there was a male outside the Hashtag Bar in Paisley with a knife concealed within his waist band.

“The caller stated he witnessed the accused to lift his top and observed a large knife under his t-shirt and down the front of his trousers and then make his way into the bar.

“PC Panther and Stewart alongside several other police units were actioned to attend.

“Officers immediatel­y attended at the bar and advised the bar manager of the report and identified the accused following the descriptio­n given by the caller.

“Hoolihan was then detained for a search with PC Panther recovering a large black handled article, roughly 30cm in length from Hoolihan’s waistband.

“The accused was placed in handcuffs and put in a police car.

“While being placed within the vehicle, the accused made several threats to police officers stating, ‘I’ll do you in next time I see you. Next time I see you you’re getting it you p***k.’

“Due to his behaviour, the accused was transferre­d into a marked police cell van and during this he continued to act aggressive­ly towards police officers.

“While in the cell van, prior to the door closing, the accused looked towards PC Panther and shouted, ‘you black b ***** d’.

“He was then taken to Greenock police station and while en-route he continued his hostile behaviour and made several abusive and degrading comments to officers.

“Due to Hoolihan’s hostile and volatile behaviour, he wasn’t formally cautioned and charged. He was thereafter released on an undertakin­g to appear at this court.”

Hoolihan admitted to being in possession of the knife and to shouting, swearing, making a racial remark, threats and behaving in an aggressive manner.

Hoolihan pleaded not guilty to a charge which alleged he assaulted PC Panther by attempting to kick him on the head. This plea was accepted by the crown.

Defence agent Mr Allan told the court Hoolihan is already subject to a community-based disposal following a conviction at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

Mr Allan asked for reports to be prepared.

Sheriff Millar deferred sentence for the preparatio­n of background reports and a restrictio­n of liberty order assessment.

Hoolihan will return to the town’s court on June 21 for sentencing.

While being placed in the vehicle, the accused made several threats to officers

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 ?? ?? Lost the plot Steven Hoolihan kicked off after police recovered a knife from him in a pub
Lost the plot Steven Hoolihan kicked off after police recovered a knife from him in a pub

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