Paisley Daily Express

Renfrewshi­re MSPs praise Humza Yousaf


Humza Yousaf ’s party colleagues in Renfrewshi­re have thanked him for his service to the SNP and the country after he announced his resignatio­n as First Minister on Monday.

The SNP leader said he will stand down as soon as a replacemen­t has been found.

Renfrewshi­re North and West MSP Natalie Don told the Express she was “saddened”by MrYousaf’s decision.

She said:“Humza has led our country with dignity and compassion over the last year and has worked hard to put Scotland’s interests at the heart of everything he has done.

“On a personal note, it has also been an immense privilege to serve as the Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise within Humza’s government. His support and guidance throughout this time has been invaluable and I thank him for putting his trust in me.”

She added:“I would like to wish Humza every success as he continues to stand up for his constituen­ts from the backbenche­s and I wish him, Nadia and his family well.”

Paisley MSP George Adam shared a message on his X , formerly Twitter, account saying:“He led from the front on the issues facing the people of Gaza when others stayed silent. When the First Minister spoke of his family I felt his pain. Politics can be a brutal business and family is vital.”

Also on X, SNP MSP for Renfrewshi­re South Tom Arthur said:“As First Minister, HumzaYousa­f has led Scotland with compassion and principle - all of which are reflected in the dignity and grace of his statement today.

“My very best wishes to Humza, Nadia and their family for the future.”

On Monday, former Deputy First Minister John Swinney announced he was considerin­g standing to replace Mr Yousaf. He had not stood as a contender in the last leadership election.

Candidates have until next Monday to declare if they will stand for the position or not.

Meanwhile a Labour motion of no confidence in the Scottish Government is scheduled to be debated in Holyrood this afternoon. Scottish party leader Anas Sarwar had earlier indicated his party would push ahead with the motion despite MrYousaf’s resignatio­n.

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