PC Pro


Big tech companies are growing bigger thanks to us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight back

- dick@dickpounta­in.co.uk

Beware, folks, the net is closing in – it’s time to act.

To say that the shine has worn off social media would be an understate­ment: in fact, we appear to be on the verge of what sociologis­t Stan Cohen memorably labelled a “moral panic” that might end up severely curtailing the freedom of web communicat­ion in some countries. I’ve mentioned before that I review books for another, rather dustier, journal than PC Pro, and I’ve just completed a blockbuste­r on three that describe the darker side of the internet: Martin Moore’s Democracy Hacked, Susan Landau’s Listening In and Matthew Hindman’s The Internet Trap. I still feel slightly sick and keep looking over my shoulder. Moore’s book in particular is an eye-opener and I heartily recommend it.

One of his chapters traces the history of online culture all the way from the hippy ideals of the Whole Earth Catalog right up to Cambridge Analytica, Trump and Brexit. The irony is that we got the internet we wished for, free and unfettered, but that didn’t make it a force for good (or even for middling).

In the bad old days, our informatio­n was controlled by large corporatio­ns, from News Internatio­nal to the BBC, who imposed their own values via the profession­al journalist­s they employed to write, speak and film it. In short, they policed the informatio­n stream for “our own good”. Nowadays, we’re free as birds to communicat­e anything we want to whoever we want, thanks to the marvellous WWW. On YouTube, I can indulge cravings for Japanese street food and rusty old tools, and can post my computer-generated music for no one to listen to. I can swap pithy witticisms with my hundreds of “friends” on Facebook, listen to almost any music in the world on Spotify and buy all my electronic bits on Amazon. Of course, YouTube happens to be owned by Google, or Alphabet, a bigger and more profitable corporatio­n than any of those old ones – and, unlike them, neither it nor Facebook polices anything very much, enabling dangerous nutjobs to get heard on the same terms as sensible folk.

Matthew Hindman’s book is more wonkish than Moore’s. He performs experiment­s on large web traffic datasets, such as the results of the Netflix Prize competitio­n, which reinforce the idea that, although the internet opens up production and disseminat­ion of informatio­n to everyone, it inexorably siphons all the revenue into a handful of new monopolies every bit as powerful as the old. This is due not only to “network effects”, which he believes have been overemphas­ised, but mostly to “stickiness” – the tendency of users to become loyal to one website thanks to the mental cost of switching. His experiment­s quantify just how hard and expensive stickiness is to achieve, so that only very large companies can afford it through better design and faster response times than competitor­s. Their server farms are every bit as huge and expensive as the factories of previous industrial revolution­s.

A monopoly on stickiness inevitably leads to attention-based business models, where user informatio­n is harvested to target programmat­ic adverts. Everything we buy, read or watch provides informatio­n that’s sold to advertiser­s, and Google and Facebook between them collect 70% of this revenue. Hindman worries about the effect on news gathering and disseminat­ion: local papers could once attract sufficient ad revenue, thanks to their targeted readership­s, but the net lets digital giants grab practicall­y all of it and push the locals out of business. News sites that are replacing them, such as BuzzFeed and Vice, are financed by investors and major brand advertiser­s – lacking a tradition of separation between editorial and business, their tiny in-house staffs generate “native” ads that look like editorial, while deleting or redacting anything that might offend advertiser­s.

Susan Landau’s book is a great overview of hacking, encryption and surveillan­ce issues that I won’t need to explain to readers of Davey Winder’s column (she was an expert witness for Apple over the FBI’s request to decrypt those terrorists’ iPhone).

Guy Debord once remarked: “Formerly one only conspired against an establishe­d order. Today, conspiring in its favour is a new and flourishin­g profession.” These three authors agree and urge us to curb the power of the corporatio­ns while the choice is still ours to make.

The irony is that we got the internet we wished for, free and unfettered, but that didn’t make it a force for good

 ??  ?? Dick Pountain is editorial fellow of PC Pro. If he had a penny for every penny he’d made from online content, he wouldn’t have a penny. Visit dickpounta­in.co.uk
Dick Pountain is editorial fellow of PC Pro. If he had a penny for every penny he’d made from online content, he wouldn’t have a penny. Visit dickpounta­in.co.uk
 ??  ??

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