PC Pro

Readers’ poll

With PC Pro turning 25 this month, we asked you who had been the most influentia­l person in the last 25 years.


Despite 58 people casting their vote, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Martha Lane Fox and Sheryl Sandberg didn’t get a single nod of approval. Even Jony Ive only got one in our official poll, despite support on Twitter when we asked for nominees. “It has to be Jonathan Ive,” wrote Brian Orpin. “iMac (WIMP), iPod, iPhone. Almost all tech is built on those UI design foundation­s.”

But there was one clear winner. “By designing the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee made the internet a usable platform for everything that has followed: a global source of knowledge, ecommerce, social networking and media of all types. The world will never be the same again,” commented Paul G.

Our writers also got involved, with Mike Jennings backing Jeff Bezos along with Ive, Page, Brin and Zuckerberg. “Those are all last 20 years really,” said Gavin Hall. “If you go back 25 years then surely Bill Gates has to be right up there?” But, as Mike pointed out, Amazon was actually founded back in 1994 – the same year as a certain magazine.

Larry Ellison founded the world’s largest database company, and what he has done has impacted many of the other companies run by people on the list Peter Cooper

Bill Gates’ products are in almost every business and home, he has been hugely philanthro­pic, and government­s turn to him for advice Anonymous

Steve Jobs’ inability to live in an imperfect world has led to a world where most of the larger tech companies are still obsessed with reaching ever more for perfection Ro Atkinson

Page and Brin because anything you need to know you just Google. Other search engines are available but, frankly, they’re rubbish Ed Gayton

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