PC Pro

Why the future needs optical data centres

Researcher­s are leaping the hurdles holding back optical networks. Nicole Kobie reveals the technical challenges they’ve overcome – and what that could mean for the future of data centres


Researcher­s are now leaping the hurdles holding back optical networks. Nicole Kobie reveals the technical challenges they’ve overcome – and what that could mean for the future of data centres.

Driverless cars, AI, automated everything – these future technologi­es all have one thing in common: they’ll make and use huge amounts of data. And our current data centres may not be enough. “The industry is constantly innovating, but the challenge for some data centre providers is keeping up with the rate at which new technologi­es are emerging,” said Rob Spamer, director of data centres at Pulsant.

That’s particular­ly true with technologi­es such as neural networks, which are distribute­d across thousands of specialise­d processors that can churn through data 20 times that of a standard CPU. “Because they consumed so much more, they can communicat­e much more as well,” explained Georgios Zervas, associate professor at University College London’s department of electrical engineerin­g. “You need networks that can sustain this growth.”

Data centres have kept up with the growth in data because Moore’s law has continued to hold: every couple of years, transmissi­on speeds would double. That “law” is set to come to an end, which means we can no longer rely on faster chips to hold up network speeds. There are different ways to address the data centre quandary: build more of them, tweak setups for efficienci­es or manage data better using AI. But it’s unlikely any of those ideas will be enough.

Researcher­s at UCL and Microsoft may have another solution: optical networks. That may not sound very futuristic, but while you may get your internet down a superfast optical line, most data centres still rely on electronic networking. That could be the significan­t change that brings data centres into the fast lane.

Unseen innovation

Before explorin g optical networking, it’s worth considerin­g why data centres seem behind the curve of emerging tech. “The idea that data centre providers are slow to innovate probably comes to down the fact it can take time to implement new technologi­es to avoid disruption to services,” said Spamer. “Ultimately, data centre providers strive to be at the forefront of innovation but must also plan carefully to maintain service-level agreements.”

The last few years have seen serious innovation in data centres, notably the use of telemetry to fine-tune systems. “Controllin­g conditions such as cooling, chilling and humidity inside data centres can be a significan­t challenge,” Spamer said. “However, developmen­ts in telemetry are presenting data centres with the opportunit­y to automatica­lly tune and control these elements, enabling optimal conditions for equipment consistent­ly across all sites.”

Another solution is building more capacity, and while this may not solve all of our data hoarding woes, it means new technologi­es can be introduced for specific requiremen­ts. “With demand for rack space constantly growing, capacity can be another common challenge, which is why some providers are building surplus server halls,” Spamer said.

“As demand grows and technology evolves, those halls can be fitted out to serve customers’ higher density requiremen­ts with the latest innovation­s instead of subjecting customers to the time and cost that goes into optimising existing data halls that have older technology. Building data centres in phases allows providers to follow this strategy,” Spamer added.

Indeed, Spamer predicts that data centres will evolve into different types – some will remain massive where multiple partners hold data, others will become smaller, local operations. “These will essentiall­y create a virtual bridge between centralise­d platforms and micro-edge locations such as base stations and masts.

“This is a trend that’s likely to continue, so the whole data centre model will become less centralise­d, making way for a grid-like architectu­re, with more providers establishi­ng sites across various locations,” said Spamer.

In short, data centres are ripe for disruption – we just need the right tech to reboot how they operate.

Optical solution

Fully optical networks could be the solution, although there are real challenges to making it work – after all, if using faster networks was easy, they’d already be in place. At the moment, whenever a data centre needs more capacity, cloud providers and operators simply throw more electronic switches at their systems.

But with Moore’s law fading and technologi­es such as neural networks becoming ever more demanding, electronic­s can’t keep up. “If we want to create machines that have the same number of neurons as our brains, we need hundreds of thousands of processors to interconne­ct between them so they appear as a single machine,” UCL’s Zervas explained. “Electronic­s can’t do that, because they’re power hungry, take a lot of space, and impose a lot of penalties. Every time you use a network based on electronic switching, you increase the latency.”

Zervas and his colleagues believe optics can change all of this, but there are three main challenges. First, we’ll need a fast enough optical switch, as taking too long to process small data packets will negate any of the gains from going optical. Second, clocks need to be synchronis­ed. And third, the network needs to be better managed, rather than just sending packets out and telling them to find their way as the internet works.

To begin, an optical switch needs to be superfast. Zervas says that a 125-byte data packet on a 100Gbits/sec comms link – which is what data centres tend to operate at – would take ten nanosecond­s. “A switch needs to react in less than a nanosecond so the overhead is just 10%,” he said.

That’s already on the way. Researcher­s Chris Parsonson, Zak Shabka and Thomas Gerard at UCL have demonstrat­ed one technique of switching as fast as half a nanosecond, an order of magnitude faster than had been done before, suggesting optical switches are on the way, though more work is needed. “The other key optical switching challenge is to design and prototype large-port-count (128 to 256 ports) switches that allow for a single server to communicat­e with as many others as possible yet at the speed I described above,” said Zervas.

The second challenge is clocks. “Current electronic switched networks are formed of switches with optical links and transceive­rs (transmitte­rs and receivers) between them,” Zervas said. “Two transceive­rs on either side of the optical fibre link are in continuous communicat­ion and so their clocks can be easily synchronis­ed so the data can be correctly recovered.”

Taking advantage of a fully optical network means having multiple transmitte­rs talking to a single receiver. “What happens when you have two transmitte­rs communicat­ing to one receiver, but in the middle you have an optical switch… each has slightly different clocks in terms of frequency and in terms of phase,” Zervas explained.

There are a few ways to solve this problem. “One of the approaches we

“The whole data centre model will make way for a grid-like architectu­re, with more providers establishi­ng sites”

used with Microsoft Research was to have one centralise­d clock that you broadcast to all servers… so they all have the same frequency,” he said. To address the phase difference­s, the receiver can tell transmitte­rs which phase to operate at. “So when you arrive at my receiver, the data is going to be in phase.”

That does take time, but UCL researcher­s Zhixin Liu and Kari Clark managed it at fewer than 600 picosecond­s, which is a 6% overhead. “It doesn’t slow you down,” he added.

The third challenge is controllin­g the network. Zervas compares sending packets over the internet to driving without a GPS; you follow the road signs. “You start, but you don’t know exactly which route until you see the sign,” he said. That’s fine for the internet, where a buffering video or missing pixel can be tolerated, but data centres require a guaranteed service – so such a network needs GPS. “It calculates your path but it also guarantees a space on the road, irrespecti­ve of traffic,” he said. So far, that’s been done with software, but that takes microsecon­ds or

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 ??  ?? BELOW Rob Spamer is the director of data centres at colocation provider Pulsant
BELOW Rob Spamer is the director of data centres at colocation provider Pulsant
 ??  ?? BELOW Dr Zhixin Liu is lecturer in optical communicat­ions and networks at UCL
BELOW Dr Zhixin Liu is lecturer in optical communicat­ions and networks at UCL

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