PC Pro

PC Probe: Counting the consequenc­es of cyberattac­ks

How are government­s allowed to respond to cyberattac­ks? James O’Malley talks to the legal experts


How are government­s allowed to respond to cyberattac­ks? James O’Malley speaks to the legal experts.

When President Biden met President Putin in Geneva in June, he reminded his Russian counterpar­t of something important: that the US has “significan­t cyber capability”. With a nudge and a wink, he was warning Russia that enough was enough.

This subtle shift in tone is unsurprisi­ng. From Russia’s alleged interferen­ce in the 2016 election, to the attack last year on networking firm SolarWinds, which compromise­d software used by the US and UK government­s, the US has long been a target of foreign hacking capabiliti­es.

But what can Biden do? And, more importantl­y, what is he – or any other world leader – allowed to do if attacked?

Pointing fingers

“If country A flies its aeroplane into the airspace of country B without permission, it’s violated its sovereignt­y,” said Michael Schmitt, professor of public internatio­nal law at the University of Reading and a scholar at the US military college West Point. He’s also the editor of the Tallinn Manual, an influentia­l study that aims to figure out the laws of cyber conflict, which since the first edition was published in 2013 has been considered the authoritat­ive text in this area of legal study.

“But what if it doesn’t do that? What if it conducts cyber operations? Under what circumstan­ces would we call that a violation of sovereignt­y? We’re taking those rules that were not meant for cyber. And we’re saying, in internatio­nal law, rules apply to new phenomena and new technologi­es,” he said.

The big problem is that cyber is more complicate­d than the physical world. That means the first question to ask after a cyberattac­k is does it even count as an attack at all?

“When does a remotely conducted cyber operation violate sovereignt­y?” asked Schmitt. “You hurt someone? Sure. You physically damaged cyber infrastruc­ture? Sure. What if you simply caused the system to work in a manner it wasn’t intended to work? What if you’re simply sitting inside their system with malware that you haven’t activated yet?

“What if you’re engaging in espionage, and it’s widespread espionage where you’re just scooping up mountains of data on people?”

Unfortunat­ely, there’s no clear definition of what constitute­s an attack. However, even if the lawyers do agree an attack has occurred, and a response is justified, there’s another important step: figuring out who is responsibl­e. This is something that internatio­nal legal scholars call “attributio­n”.

“To factually attribute conduct in [cyberspace], it’s very tricky because of the use of VPNs and stuff like that,” said Dr Talita Dias, a research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict. “It’s difficult forensical­ly to identify the source of an attack.”

Another potential complicati­on is not just the technical attributio­n, but also the question of whether or not

hackers are working on behalf of a country or are just based in a given state.

“[Imagine] you have an attack coming from Italy,” said Dr Antonio Coco from the University of Essex’s School of Law. “You have no evidence that Italy has sponsored or directed this attack at all, but you do have evidence that the attack comes from a hacker group that operates from Italy. If you can demonstrat­e that Italy has failed to exercise due diligence in preventing that attack to hurt people or entities in the UK, then the responsibi­lity of Italy may be implicated.”

Consequent­ly, even if the hackers can’t be directly linked to their host country’s government, it could still be lawful to respond with countermea­sures thanks to this due diligence principle, which is known as the “rule of sovereignt­y”.

Fighting back

“Countermea­sures” is the legal term for responding to an attack, and this appears to be what Biden had in mind when he spoke to Putin. “That is clearly what Biden is threatenin­g,” said Schmitt. “I think he’s saying ‘no, no, no, the gloves are off now. If you keep this up, then we’re going to start shooting back.’”

However, the options the US – or any other country that has fallen victim to a cyberattac­k – has are limited. “Internatio­nal law does not recognise tit for tat, ever,” said Schmitt. “There’s no internatio­nal law rule that says retaliatio­n is lawful. Internatio­nal law is designed to return a situation to one of peacefulne­ss. So, the striking back must always be to make the other side stop.”

The law might not be enough to prevent retaliator­y attacks, though, because the cost of responding is relatively cheap. “The risk of escalation with cyber confrontat­ions is always high,” said Coco. “When you have two countries confrontin­g each other in the offline world, usually they do it with their armies. This is costly. It’s resource intensive, and it’s also very difficult to conceal. In cyber dealings, it’s very cost effective to empower hacker groups.”

Retaliatio­n can also lead to de-escalation, too. “If you can hack back and shut the system down, great, but

I think Biden is saying ‘no, no, no, the gloves are off now. If you keep this up, then we’re going to start shooting back’

sometimes you may not get in that system,” said Schmitt. “So what you’re trying to do is impose a bit of pain on the other side, where the other side says, ‘I don’t know if this is worth it anymore. Let’s knock this off.’”

This, for example, is why we might be seeing an increase in states getting hold of cryptocurr­ency caches. “If we can’t [hack back], let’s block the resources that these malicious actors are using,” said Dias.

“So, in the context of ransomware, can we seize, for example, crypto assets? We could do that as a proportion­ate response.”

Sparking real confrontat­ions

That’s not to say countermea­sures have to be “cyber” in nature. Under the current legal understand­ing, other types of responses are legal.

Schmitt gives the example of Estonia. In 2007, the country came under sustained cyberattac­k from Russia, which launched DDoS attacks, ping floods, and other attacks on a range of Estonian websites and organisati­ons, including the country’s Parliament. It’s this experience, and the questions over how the Tallinn government should respond, that gave the Tallinn Manual its name.

The problem is that Estonia is a tiny country of 1.3 million people that lacks Russia’s cyber resources. But in Schmitt’s view, under internatio­nal law it would be legal for the country to respond another way, such as by blocking Russian ships from passing through its territoria­l waters in the Baltic Sea – a crucial strategic pinch point for Russia.

“Estonia could impose pressure by doing something that would normally be illegal… but now it’s okay to get the other side to knock it off,” said Schmitt.

Schmitt thinks that in extreme circumstan­ces, it could even be lawful for a country to respond to a cyberattac­k using military force, if that is the only countermea­sure available. These cyber conflicts could eventually have very serious consequenc­es.

 ??  ?? ABOVE In extreme cases, even a military response could be legal
ABOVE In extreme cases, even a military response could be legal

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