Period Living



QQDouglas Kent, technical and research director at the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, answers your renovation queries How can I protect my house from the cold weather?

You can insulate pipes to avoid them freezing and bursting. It’s also advisable to add anti-freeze to your central heating system or fit a frost thermostat to turn on the boiler if the air temperatur­e falls below a certain level. If you’re going away for a few days, programme your heating to run continuous­ly at about 5˚C. For longer breaks, to turn the heating off, drain the hot and cold water system.

Keep gutters and downpipes free from leaves, moss or other blockages, as water may fracture pipes if it freezes or cause deteriorat­ion of wet walls in frosty conditions where gutters overflow. Snow should be cleared from parapet and valley gutters. Be vigilant as snow starts to thaw – ice at the edges of roof slopes may stop melting snow from draining, causing it to back up and leak into the loft.

Ensure salt, which hastens masonry deteriorat­ion, isn’t spread onto the bottoms of walls when adjoining paths and roads are gritted. Lastly, wipe condensati­on from windows each morning to prevent moisture damage.

How do I go about cleaning an old quarry tile floor?

Quarry tiles can be vacuumed then given a light clean by mopping with water mixed with an equal part of white vinegar. Wipe with towels in high traffic areas such as the kitchen. You could mop beforehand with an enzyme-based antibacter­ial cleanser to remove grease and odours, rinsing it to remove residue. Use soft or distilled water if you are in a hard water area to avoid leaving deposits on the tiles. In my experience, sealants are best avoided.

If you have a renovation question for Douglas Kent, email it to periodlivi­*

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