Period Living



Introducin­g Chandan Whittle, a new homeware brand inspired by the colours, crafts and culture of India. Founded by Kam Chandan, the brand follows a personal quest to discover and celebrate her Indian heritage after her parents emigrated to the UK in 1963. Specialisi­ng in cushions and prints, the pieces are created by talented artisans in India using techniques passed down through the generation­s, which Kam hopes will inspire the next. From left: Screen-printing fabric; hand-woven screenprin­ted cushions, from £55.

Want to seek out the latest in creative talent? This July, New Designers returns to Islington’s Business Design Centre, showcasing the work of 3,000 talented graduates in art and design. From textiles to furniture, there’s bound to be something to inspire. 26 June – 6 July, entry from £13

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