Period Living



An overlooked part of a home’s exterior, often seen as simply for ornamental effect, hopper heads actually play a vital role. Fitted just below a gutter, they are designed to collect rainfall, then syphon it into the drain pipes, enabling them to carry up to two-thirds more water by completely filling them. Initially the preserve of the wealthy, hopper heads rose to popularity during the Tudor period after the dissolutio­n of the monasterie­s, which meant there were large quantities of lead available that could be used to create rainwater goods. Lead designs were used through the following centuries, until the Industrial Revolution transition­ed to cast iron due to its affordabil­ity and performanc­e. In all eras, hopper heads provided the opportunit­y to add decoration to the exterior of a home and often featured coats of arms, emblems, dates or initials, revealing fascinatin­g historical insight.

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