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Tories demand action over MP Pete’s tweet

Social media storm between SNP member andTory

- Staff Reporter

Conservati­ve MSP Murdo Fraser called on SNP officials to remove the party whip from Perthshire MP Pete Wishart following a social media fallout over Unionist parties.

Mr Wishart took to Twitter to issue a mock ballot paper in which Conservati­ve, Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates were described in sexually offensive terms.

The SNP politician defended himself by saying the using the terms was based on former BBC comedy show Chewin’ the Fat, and that he was simply forwarding on a Tweet.

But it has not stopped the Perthshire­based Tory raising a motion at Holyrood calling for action on Mr Wishart’s conduct.

Mr Fraser wants First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to condemn the behaviour.

His motion has been supported by a number of fellow Conservati­ves, including Alexander Stewart and Liz Smith.

He said: “With these comments Pete Wishart has hit a new low, in the past he has used Twitter to mock elderly voters and pick fights with school kids and now he is using the social network to abuse his political opponents with foul language.

“The First Minister has been at pains to stress that a second independen­ce referendum needn’t be divisive or abusive and has stated that those using insulting language within her own party would be punished. However, with the SNP refusing to back this motion they have shown their true colours and are effectivel­y rubberstam­ping this sort of behaviour.

“Fortunatel­y the voters in Perthshire, who deserve a whole lot better than this, will be able to do what the SNP cannot and boot this second-rate MP into touch at the next election in seven weeks’ time.”

Mr Wishart responded: “All of this is a desperate and pitiful attempt from Murdo Fraser to deflect from some of the appalling right-wing views and comments of Conservati­ve’s council candidates, including here in Perthshire, who are acting more like a Scottish UKIP.

“This is nothing but a load of faux outrage following a ‘retweet’ of a popular meme already much circulated on social media. Maybe Murdo Fraser might want to reflect on some of the inflammato­ry comments he has made in the past on social media”.

The parliament­ary motion steps up the Twitter tennis between the pair. Murdo Fraser MSP Pete Wishart MP

 ??  ?? Motion
 ??  ?? Response

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