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College lecturers walk-out in protest over pay deal moves


Perth College UHI Lecturers are pictured at the college gates on Thursday during picket line duty A fresh wave of strike action affected lessons for students in Perth yesterday as college lecturers walked out in a day of protest over pay and working hours.

Members of the Educationa­l Institute of Scotland (EIS) picketed at Perth College accusing national college bosses of failing to deliver on a deal agreed last year which promised equal pay for all lecturers in Scotland as well as national terms and conditions.

Perth College lecturer and EIS branch secretary Sara O’Hagan told the PA: “Members are bitterly disappoint­ed that after over a year of ongoing negotiatio­ns, management have completely reneged on the original agreement and now want to hold members to ransom by withholdin­g the pay increase and demanding increased working hours and decreased annual leave along with other erosions.

“For many years lecturing staff across the sector have been doing more for less and an increase in working hours will lead to a decrease in the quality of education provided as there will not be enough time to prepare adequately and to provide the support needed for students to achieve their best. It will lead to increased levels of sickness and valuable talent leaving the sector. We want to do our job to the absolute best of our ability and to be rewarded fairly for this. National bargaining seeks to ensure this is the case for every lecturer in Scotland and we truly hope that management and the government will recognise this and honour the deal.”

A Colleges Scotland spokeswoma­n said:“The EIS needs to show a willingnes­s to compromise. They are striking to get more money for less work.”

A Perth College spokeswoma­n commented:“We regret the inconvenie­nce the industrial action has caused students and we’re doing all we can to ensure student learning is not affected, overall.”

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Strike action

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