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City baseball attack


A 30-year-old Perth man had four stitches inserted in a wound to his head after he was attacked with a baseball bat and a piece of wood.

Darryl Forrester, whose face was covered in blood, also had two further laceration­s glued shut after the confrontat­ion.

Perth Sheriff Court was told that the victim had subsequent­ly suffered from headaches, tinnitus and anxiety following the brutal assault as he exited a taxi in Perth’s Grampian Court on April 19, 2015.

Forty-three-year-old Fiona Clark, of Nimmo Place, Perth, had earlier been spared a prison sentence for her part in the violent attack.

But the court was told she had completed none of the 260 hours of unpaid work, imposed last August.

Solicitor Linda Clark said her client had been diagnosed with anxiety and depression and had been prescribed medication.

She had previously been housebound but had come to court with a supporter.

The lawyer conceded that “substantia­l injuries” had been inflicted on the victim.

She told the sheriff: “I appreciate you’re not going to let this go - and quite rightly so.”

But Mrs Clark insisted: “For genuine reasons she has been unwell.

“She’s not, in any shape or form, trying to wriggle out of it (the community payback order).”

But Sheriff Lindsay Foulis noted that nine months ago he had been told that Clark was fit to carry out the unpaid work.

But she then failed to attend the induction course the next day and “lo and behold” a medical certificat­e was subsequent­ly submitted from her GP.

Sheriff Foulis revoked the order and imposed a seven-month jail term instead.

The other person involved in the incident, Alan Brian Davidson (40), of Grampian Court, was jailed for 10 months last year after he admitted wielding the baseball bat.

The court was told that when the taxi drew up, Clark approached the rear of the vehicle holding the piece of wood.

She swung but missed Mr Forrester and struck the car.

She then swung a second time and connected.

Davidson, who was armed with a small baseball bat, had repeatedly struck the victim to the head.

A Perth man unleashed a torrent of abuse at his mother and stepfather after being told he wasn’t welcome at their home because of his behaviour.

Thirty-two-year-old Aaron Jorgensen clenched his fist and made violent threats, insisting nobody was going to get him out of the house.

“I’m not leaving here until Friday,” he declared.

His stepfather asked him to calm down but he angrily replied: I’ll f***ing knock you out, you fat b ***** d.”

The accused, of Murray Street, then followed his mother to her bedroom and threatened to kill her if their pet dog wasn’t removed from their home.

“The accused’s stepfather then left the house at his mother’s request,” depute fiscal Bill Kermode told Perth Sheriff Court.

The police were called and arrested Jorgensen for his early morning tirade.

And it led to him being jailed for six months after admitting shouting and swearing and repeatedly making violent threats at a flat in Perth’s Newhouse Road on April 25 this year.

Solicitor John McLaughlin said his client had a history of mental health issues.

He was subject to a curfew at the Letham address and was told he couldn’t change it without the court’s permission.

He was reluctant to leave as he would be in breach of his bail conditions.

Passing sentence, Sheriff Lindsay Foulis told him: “Having regard to the nature of the background report and having regard to the nature of the offence - and your record - I can see no other option but to send you to custody”

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