Perthshire Advertiser

£46k for waste project

- Rachel Clark

A series of activities to encourage food waste reduction is set for Kinross-shire and Blairgowri­e after the waste team at Perth and Kinross Council received a funding boost.

The waste services team were awarded £46,739 from the Sainsbury’s ‘Waste Less, Save More’project, which will now be used to run a number of workshops and activities with community groups and schools, to reduce their amount of food waste, encourage a healthy diet, and to help them save money.

Thanks to the funding boost, a preservati­on workshop will take place in Blairgowri­e on Monday, October 30 as part of the Blairgowri­e Climate Cafe’s Harvest project.

NHS Tayside’s‘Cook It’programme will also see training coaches offering workshops in Blairgowri­e, which will develop cooking skills, how to cook on a budget, reducing avoidable food waste, and maintain a nutritious diet.

The six-week workshops will see a two-hour long class per week, and everyone who takes part will be able to chose £90 worth of kitchen equipment when they complete the course.

Schools in the two areas will also be able to take part in a new‘Eco Action Games’, which will encourage pupils, teachers and catering staff to reduce their food waste.

The games will then be opened up to all schools across Perth and Kinross after the project is over.

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