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Offenders require harsher sentences Thank you for your support


Dear Editor Television’s ‘Police Intercepto­rs’ and daily newspaper reports show offenders being caught after a great deal of police effort and time, only to be given trivial sentences for quite serious crimes.

Particular­ly worrying are the extremely light sentences handed down by our courts for drug-related offences.

Drug-dealing and drugtaking are well-nigh out of control in this country and our rulers repeatedly express their concern, while confessing their as yet unsuccessf­ul quest for a solution.

It is no wonder the drug habit is spreading; the authoritie­s, especially our courts, are not taking effective enough measures to stamp it out.

It is no deterrent to dealers to be given the light sentences – often suspended – I have seen handed down.

If clubs and pubs where drugs were found to be dealt and taken were closed down and any clients found breaking the drug laws on these premises were given stiff sentences, this would deter most young people from indulging in drugs and taking the first step towards drug addiction.

There are too many deaths from drug addiction and too many lives ruined for the authoritie­s and the courts to treat the problem so offhandedl­y.

Let’s see an end to the present pussy-footing around with the problem and a resolute determinat­ion on the part of the authoritie­s to stamp this menace out once and for all. George K McMillan Mount Tabor Avenue, Perth Perth Sheriff Court The local Macmillan Cancer Support committee held a fundraisin­g raffle in Tesco, Blairgowri­e, over the weekend of October 6 and 7.

They are delighted to have raised £1243 and would like to thank everyone who bought raffles and for all the generous donations received.

They would also like to thank staff at Tesco for their help and for our loyal band of helpers who sold the tickets each day .

The Friday hamper was won by Mrs A Watson, Rattray and the Saturday hamper went to Mrs C Greig, Coupar Angus. Carol Bisset Treasurer Blairgowri­e Macmillan Cancer Support Fundraisin­g Committee

 ??  ?? Justice

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