Perthshire Advertiser

MBE for scout leader

Award for 34 years’service

- Rachel Clark

A Perthshire Scout leader’s efforts to promote the movement locally have been given the royal seal of approval.

Chris Kirk was presented with the prestigiou­s Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) at Perth and Kinross Council’s civic lounge on Monday in front of friends and family.

The 66-year-old, who is originally from Methven, joined Scouting as a Cub aged eight, and progressed through the ranks to the Venture Scouts – during which time he earned the Queen’s Scout award.

Chris has been involved in Scouting in Perth and Kinross for the past 34 years and, in that time, has passed on skills to 1000 Scouts and recruited and developed many more voluntary Scout leaders.

He has also taken up some of the movement’s top positions in the local area, including Deputy District Commission­er for Perth and Kinross and District Commission­er of East Central Scotland.

Among his many achievemen­ts was his involvemen­t in getting the Fair City’s Scout Hut in the grounds of Perth Academy re-establishe­d in 2009 and starting five separate Scout packs in the region, as well as maintainin­g links with the global Scouting movement.

Chris said of his award: “I am still a bit in awe and a bit shocked by the whole thing, but it has been brilliant.

“All these years I have said ‘how do these people get these awards?’ and now I have one!

“I got a letter from Buckingham Palace asking if I would be prepared to accept it, and I was absolutely happy to.”

Chris said he was also pleased the ceremony was held in Perth. Chris Kirk with his MBE medal

Normally these ceremonies are held in either Buckingham or Holyrood Palace with only a limited number of guest passes.

He continued: “Very happy to have it here in the civic lounge because it means I can have all my friends and family here with me. So many of them have done so much to help over the years.

“My wife Hilary and the rest of the family are all involved in Scouting in some way.”

Chris added: “The Scouts is addictive! I have made so many friends and it is fun working with the kids too. It is so rewarding to see them developing.

“It is brilliant to see them growing up over the time from little Beavers to young leaders. Scouting becomes a part of you and makes you think a certain way.”

One of Chris’s next adventures is taking 140 young Scouts for a weekend away at Dalguise in Highland Perthshire.

Chris was presented with the medal by Brigadier Melville Jameson CBE, Lord Lieutenant of Perth and Kinross, and the Queen’s representa­tive in the region.

Brigadier Jameson said: It is a huge privilege to present this MBE to Christophe­r today, and it is very special because we know the MBE is the most difficult medal to get – it is such a personal tribute.

“We know this is well deserved because of his 34 years of Scouting leadership and dedicated service and in this, Scotland’s Year of Young People, it is very fitting.

“And on behalf of the Queen, who would have been delighted to see this happening today, many congratula­tions – she would have been so thrilled and proud of you.”

Chris was then presented with flowers by Depute Provost and friend Willie Wilson, before celebratin­g with his friends, family and Provost Dennis Melloy in the civic lounge.

I am still a bit in awe and a bit shocked

 ??  ?? Well-deserved

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