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Richard’s touching book detailing battle with illness

- Ross Gardiner

Richard could relate when watching The Theory of Everything Richard Selley can still remember the moment he suspected that he might have Motor Neurone Disease.

He was watching hit film “The Theory of Everything”, the 2014 biopic telling the story of Stephen Hawking’s life.

Suddenly all his symptoms made sense and he was sure he too had the terminal disease.

“When I was diagnosed, I didn’t know much about MND,” Richard says.

“I went to my GP many times and the first symptoms were losing the grip in my hand and tripping over.

“Gradually things got worse and when I saw the film The Theory of Everything, I guessed I had MND.

“Three months later I was diagnosed, but it was still a hell of a shock.

“I then began to lose my voice and my ability to walk over the next year, as well as the ability to swallow normal food.

“Now I have a feeding tube in my stomach, but I can still drink small amounts of thick drinks.”

Richard, 64, who lives in Glenalmond has published a book about his experience of the illness, with money from the sales going to the charity MND Scotland.

‘Death Sits on My Shoulders’ is the story of Richard’s life with MND, starting before his diagnosis in March 2015.

He honestly describes the physical and emotional challenges that come with a terminal diagnosis and, despite the title, how Richard has tried to meet these challenges with as much humour and positivity as possible.

MND is a progressiv­e terminal illness which prevents signals from the brain reaching the muscles. This can cause someone to lose the ability to walk, eat, speak and breathe unaided.

Richard went on: “I had been writing a blog for three years, so I decided to write a book. It was based on my blog, and I spent last autumn editing it.

“I published it myself on Amazon as it would have take too long to go through a publisher. My brother helped me with this and my nephew did the cover art.”

Richard, who worked in Edinburgh as an economics teacher for 35 years, retired in 2009 and moved to Perth with his wife, Elaine, in 2015.

The couple married in 2011 and between them have five children.

Richard has two daughters, Lorna (38) and Megan (25), as well as three stepchildr­en.

He said: “I found that writing honestly helped me come to terms with having MND. I had loads of people getting in touch with me about it and lots of my former pupils were following my blog.

“You have to try very hard to stay in the present. If you think about the past or the bleak future, it is unbearable. For me, writing gave me a routine and a focus.”

Looking ahead, Richard is confident that a cure will be found, but knows it will not be in time for him.

He added: “There aren’t enough people diagnosed with MND to make it worthwhile for drug companies to invest in finding a cure. There isn’t a single effective treatment.

“I expect someone someday will find a cure, but it won’t be in my lifetime.

“Knowing you will almost certainly end up totally paralysed is hard to get your head around, but I am luckier than many others – I can still communicat­e.”

Richard has put his positive outlook down to a number of factors, including the people he is surrounded by.

He explained: “Everyone at Cornhill Hospice [at PRI] has been wonderful. It is a very positive place, but, inevitably, people do keep dying. We have to keep a sense of humour.

“I have had dark moments. I even looked into going to Dignitas in Switzerlan­d. But for now, I am still happy to be alive.

“The average life expectancy is 14 months and I have had three years. My wife has been a huge support and I have carers four times a day. I know people say the NHS is in crisis but the carers are fantastic.”

Death Sits on My Shoulder is available on Amazon and on Kindle. Author Richard Selley

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