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Let others have wonder drug

Mum’s plea after medicine changes son’s life

- Rachel Clark

A Perth mum is hoping the NHS will decide to fund her son’s lifesaving drug, which she says has completely changed his life.

Little Max Farmer, who is only 18 months old, was diagnosed with the life-limiting condition spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type one when he was only nine weeks old.

The condition means his muscles do not work as they should, leaving him with extremely limited mobility, respiratio­n and swallowing ability.

According to SMA Support UK, the condition causes “progressiv­e loss of movement and muscle weakness as a result of muscle wasting” and is grouped into “types” based on each child’s ability. Type one is the most serious. However, Max has been receiving Spinraza from the pharmaceut­ical company Biogen since he was 14 weeks old, and mum Elaine Donoghue says he would not be alive today if it was not for this wonder drug.

She said: “When Max was nine weeks old he was diagnosed with SMA. By then, we realised something was very wrong, because he lost all ability to move from the waist down and he could only move his arms to his elbow, and he couldn’t move his elbows above the ground against gravity.

“He couldn’t move his head either – he had no head control and couldn’t sit unassisted.

“He is fed through a gastropeg in his stomach as well, because last April his bad swallowing was deemed not safe. When he was swallowing, it was going into his lungs.”

The Scottish Medicines Consortium met at the beginning of the month to decide whether or not Spinraza should be funded on the NHS in Scotland.

Max was the first child in Scotland to be given this pioneering treatment for SMA type one.

Elaine, who works as a teacher at Oakbank Primary School, said the drug has changed his life and he has already out-lived the average life expectancy for a child with SMA type one.

She continued: “Now Max can sit completely unassisted and he can lift his legs and his arms above his head. To look at him you wouldn’t know there was anything wrong with him.

“There is no way he would still be with us without this drug. Type one is the most serious because the life expectancy is eight to 12 months, and the absolute maximum is two years – a girl in the Borders passed away recently because she didn’t get the drug in time.

“There is no way he would have made it to a year old without it.”

Although Elaine is hopeful the drug will become available on the NHS, the decision will not be made public until Monday, May 7.

And despite the successes seen in Max from the Spinraza drug, each injection costs £75,000 and needs to be administer­ed every four months.

Max’s mum explained how the drug works: “Max is part of Biogen’s expanded access programme with two other children in Scotland who are having it on the NHS – they were diagnosed after the drug was licenced.

“The Scottish Medicines Consortium put a bid together to the NHS to fund it for types one, two and three and a decision was made two weeks ago. The decision will not be made public until May 7.

“I am not sure the NHS can afford the treatment, because it costs £75,000 per injection and it is every four months.

“This condition has been around for years and years, but this is the first time ever there has been a drug successful enough to cause a U-turn.”

She continued: “The drug is a spinal injection. The condition is genetic and Max has inherited a faulty SMN1 gene.

“One in 40 people in the whole world carry this faulty gene, but the difference here is it takes two people with the faulty gene to come together and have a child, and even then there is a 25 per cent chance of that child having the condition.

“Biogen are providing this drug on a compassion­ate programme, because Max just missed out on their trial phase. He got it while it was still unlicensed in Europe, but it showed excellent effects.”

The most serious effects of SMA is the lack of ability to breath and swallow.

However, Elaine and Max’s dad Stewart – also a teacher, at Fairview School – have seen a marked improvemen­t in his swallowing ability.

Elaine explained: “Because he started the drug so young, he is regaining his swallowing ability. He is now able to swallow purees.

“We used to have to suction away his saliva, but we have not had to do that at all this year. It has been life changing.

“He can roll over and move now, and he can sign to us to tell us he wants milk or wants to watch the TV. It doesn’t affect him cognitivel­y, he is so clever and that is developing as a normal child should.

“His speech might be delayed, because you make noises on the amount of air coming through your voice box so we don’t know yet how that will be. He shouts and babbles and cries like any toddler will.

“Other than his muscular condition, you wouldn’t know there was anything else wrong with him.”

Although Max will continue to receive the drug through Biogen if the NHS decides not to fund it, Elaine and Stewart want it to be available so that other families can benefit.

“We have no expectatio­ns on Max,” Elaine said. “We just want him to stay alive and for him not to be in that danger zone anymore. His life will always be limited, but we don’t want to be looking at the chance of not having him here in a few years’ time.

“He was the first child in Scotland to

get the drug and he has been taking it the longest.

“I have not got a clue what the decision will be, but I think it will be made available for type one, because this drug is preventing these children from dying. “It is saving their lives. “In terms of the cost, these children would otherwise need long-term palliative care. It is a balancing act – Max would be needing community nurses and equipment for constant palliative care and this drug is stopping all of that. “If the cost of the drug is too high, what is the cost of keeping a child alive without it? “You are not just saving a child’s life, it is about quality of life as well. “He can actually go out to soft play and he will be an active member of the community. It is not just about keeping his body alive, he has an amazing quality of life.”

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 ??  ?? Little miracle Spinraza has prolonged Max’s life and he can sit unassisted, lift his arms and raise his head himself
Little miracle Spinraza has prolonged Max’s life and he can sit unassisted, lift his arms and raise his head himself
 ??  ?? All smiles Max Farmer with mum Elaine Donoghue and (inset) with big sister Beth Donoghue and dad Stewart Farmer
All smiles Max Farmer with mum Elaine Donoghue and (inset) with big sister Beth Donoghue and dad Stewart Farmer

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