Perthshire Advertiser

LONDON MARATHON Sarah’s hubby is her reason for running

First-timer raising cash for arthritis

- Matthew Gallagher

Sarah Sloan is aware this weekend’s London Marathon will not be the most enjoyable experience.

But the Perth-based chartered accountant is determined to push through the pain barrier to raise valuable funds for Arthritis Research UK.

Sarah’s husband Mark is the inspiratio­n behind her decision to tackle the 26.2-mile test of endurance, which takes place on Sunday.

“My husband has arthritis, which he has had for a few years,” Sarah (43) explained to the Perthshire Advertiser.

“Everyone thinks it is an old person’s disease but apparently it affects 10 million people across the UK, from kids up to older people.

“Last year, to do with some of the medication he was on for his arthritis, Mark developed lymphoma.

“He had to have radiothera­py and chemothera­py but touch wood he is very well. So that is my personal reason for running.

“Running a marathon was a bit of a pipe dream for me.

“But about four years ago a few of us took part in the couch to 5k initiative. Since then I have done the Great North Run, also for Arthritis Research.

“At the end of the half marathon, I thought anyone who can turn around and do it again is crazy but now I am doing the London Marathon.”

A rigorous training programme has Sarah prepped for the challenge of a lifetime.

Sarah Sloan will tackle the London Marathon this weekend

“I find the running very hard work and this is definitely the biggest challenge I have taken on,” she said.

“I have been following a first-time finishers’ plan which has the goal of getting you over the line.

“My longest run has been 20 miles which I did on my own a couple of weeks ago. It wasn’t actually too bad.

“If I can do the 20 miles then I’m sure I will be able to keep going for another six.

“A lot of people have said that London is a great marathon to do because of the atmosphere and the money that is raised for amazing charities.

“I quite like some me time to stick my earphones in and just go for it.

“It will be great to meet those who are also running for Arthritis Research UK. Some of their stories are really inspiring.

“And, on a personal front, there will be a sense of achievemen­t to get over the line after 26.2 miles. You can’t forget the 0.2 part. This will be a one and only I think, but I am very determined.”

Sarah is grateful to all those who have supported her on the journey after already raising more than £6500 for Arthritis Research UK.

She said: “Friends, family and people who I don’t even know very well have been very generous.

“I didn’t expect to raise so much but I think people know that it is a huge effort for me. Everyone has really got behind me.”

There is still time to back Sarah ahead of the run. Visit uk.virginmone­ygiving. com/SarahSloan­1 to donate.

I think people know that this is a huge effort for me. Everyone has really got behind me

 ??  ?? On the run
On the run

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