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Dogkilleda­fter sheepworry­ing


A dog was shot and killed by a farmer in Forteviot after a sheep-worrying incident.

Police Scotland’s Tayside division confirmed the dog was shot near the Earn village following the incident on Sunday, April 15.

Now, Police Scotland has issued a warning to dog owners to remind them to keep dogs under control when they are out and about in the countrysid­e.

A spokespers­on for Police Scotland said:“Police Scotland can confirm we received a report of sheep worrying in Forteviot on Sunday, April 15 at 11.50am.

“Officers have carried out enquiries and can confirm that a dog was shot and killed as a result by the farmer.

“We would like to remind dog owners and people walking dogs in the countrysid­e to keep their animals under control.”

The spokespers­on continued: “Farmers are legally entitled to protect their livestock which can result in the destructio­n of a dog by shooting it. While no farmer wishes to resort to this option it is an option available and one that could quite easily be avoided if owners ensure that they have proper control of their dogs.

“The advice to dog owners who live in rural areas or anyone walking and exercising dogs in the countrysid­e is to ensure they are under control at all times and avoid going into fields where livestock is grazing. The Scottish Outdoor Access Code says dogs shouldn’t be taken into fields where there are lambs or other young farm animals.“

The dog owner will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

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