Perthshire Advertiser

Call to businesses to give feedback on markets

- Ross Gardiner

Perth Traders Associatio­n want city centre business owners to make the council aware of their views on markets in the city centre.

The continenta­l market at the end of April drew mixed comments from business owners and co-chair of the group, Dawn Cotton Fuge, has stressed the importance of giving constructi­ve feedback.

She said: “Many traders share concerns about the nature, number, location, duration and timing of markets and the street closures that can go along with them.

“Markets can be a wonderful enhancemen­t and can attract people to the area. Alternativ­ely, they can have a deleteriou­s effect on local businesses and their takings at critical times of the year.

“It is important all traders give their feedback after each event and that the council take that on board.

“The council send out an online feedback form to all traders after each event so that their views can be considered when planning future events.

“We need to balance the rights of the traders to be able to operate their businesses without impediment with the desire to bring exciting events to the city centre.

“Calling council proposals ‘controvers­ial’ in these circumstan­ces is unhelpful. Having a dialogue between traders and the council is something we will continue to nurture and we appreciate their desire to work with us. We all want Perth, and business in Perth, to be a success.”

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