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Man told not to contact former partner

- Court reporter

A heartbroke­n Perth man, dumped a week before Christmas by his girlfriend whom he had met online, pestered her for the next three weeks in a bid to rekindle their relationsh­ip.

Fifty-year-old James McNeill, of Tweedsmuir Road, repeatedly tried to get in touch, bombarding her with texts, telephone calls, letters and emails, despite being told by police not to contact her.

His persistent conduct earned him a £575 fine when he appeared at Perth Sheriff Court.

And a Non-Harassment Order was also imposed, banning him from approachin­g or contacting Caron MacLeod for the next 12 months.

He admitted that between December 23, 2017, and January 12, 2018, he engaged in a course of conduct which caused the woman fear or alarm.

Depute fiscal Michael Sweeney told the court the relationsh­ip had begun in October of last year but came to an end on December 17.

She had“concerns,”regarding his behaviour, however, when she returned to her home on December 23 and asked police to speak to him.

“She felt a warning would be enough and police went to his property and asked him to stop contacting her.

“After being warned, however, she received further unwanted contact.”

On December 28 he had left a voicemail asking her to get in touch and stating he was“heartbroke­n.”

That was followed by an email, pleading with her to have“just one conversati­on”with him.

He added:“This is literally killing me.”

Further emails were sent in which he stated all he was asking was 20-30 minutes of civilised conversati­on.

Two further telephone calls were received on January 6 and finally, on January 12, she was at work when he tried to hand her a letter.

“She eventually accepted the letter and asked the accused to leave her alone,”added Mr Sweeney.

The letter was asking her “to find it in her heart”to call, text, or email him so they might get back together.

“She felt intimidate­d by the continuous contact and went back to the police.”

McNeill was later arrested, cautioned and charged but made no reply.

Solicitor David Holmes said his client didn’t wish to“challenge”the Non-Harassment Order.

He had met the woman online, adding:“He had hoped this was a relationsh­ip which would last.”

It was terminated in late November but rekindled after he had twice written to her.

“All of the letters were genuinely written with a view to seeking to continue the relationsh­ip.”

She hadn’t given any reason why she had broken things off - and he wanted to know why.

“He simply couldn’t understand what had taken place,”explained the lawyer.

“He realises now that when police told him not to engage, he should simply have stopped.”

The accused, now said to be in a new relationsh­ip, will pay the fine at £50 a month.

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