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Thanks to my SOS saviours

Pair help after diabetic coma alert

- Melanie Bonn

A Blairgowri­e woman has thanked a neighbour who helped her narrowly avoid slipping into a diabetic coma.

Fifty-six-year-old Lizzie McAlister has also thanked the care worker who correctly diagnosed she was suffering from a hypoglycem­ic attack.

Last Friday night Lizzie, who lives at Arc Housing, in Haugh Road, Blairgowri­e went out with a friend.

A good Samaritan, who stays round the corner and knew Lizzie by sight, noticed her staggering about at the Wellmeadow and phoned the office at Arc to tell a support worker that she seemed unwell.

While other onlookers might have concluded from Lizzie’s unsteady progress that she’d taken too much drink, the quick-thinking care worker from sheltered housing provider Arc took a blood reading from Lizzie, who was known to be a diabetic.

“The test came up 3.1, which was a serious indicator Lizzle was suffering a hypoglycem­ic attack, her speech was slurred and she was slipping away into sleep,” the carer explained.

“I phoned NHS 24 and took advice to bring Lizzie’s blood sugar up - basically to get food and drink into her and stay with her while she got strong enough to walk. It was close to midnight when

Lizzie McAlister was low on sugar when the alarm was raised I got Lizzie back to her flat.”

The next day everything was back to normal for Lizzie, who has lived independen­tly at Haugh Road with help from Arc, for over 10 years.

“I really wanted to thank everybody, I’m extremely grateful.

“Without a bit of help, it was likely I would’ve gone into a dangerous coma brought on by my low blood sugar, but thankfully I got the help I needed first,” she said.

I really wanted to thank everybody, I’m extremely grateful

 ??  ?? Grateful

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