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Teen hit by car tells his ‘really lucky’ story

Lawrence speaks at Breadalban­e assembly on safety

- Melanie Bonn

A Perthshire pupil who was hit by a car as he got off his bus home has agreed to participat­e in a school assembly about road safety.

Lawrence Stuckey (17) from Breadalban­e Academy was carried 17 metres on the bonnet of a car that struck him on August 28 when the driver overtook his stationary school transport bus.

The front of his head broke the car’s windscreen and he cut the back of his head when he rolled off the bonnet, but incredibly he did not suffer serious injuries.

The accident occurred on the B846 from Aberfeldy to Fortingall at 4pm after school shut for the day.

As Lawrence stepped off the bus, a car hidden in the driver’s blind spot was moving parallel to the bus. The driver saw it, shouted, but it was too late and Lawrence didn’t hear.

Other child passengers had an agonizing hour-long ordeal made to remain aboard the bus as Lawrence lay bleeding and injured on the verge.

Emergency crews fitted a neck brace, fearing he had serious brain or spinal injuries. The road closed for three hours. Mum Ewa Stuckey (53) told the PA. “I was at work in Strathtay when I got a call from the school. All they could tell me was my son had been hit by a car, that the ambulance was there and that three members of school staff had gone to the scene.”

The family has lived for the past two years at Tullicro, near Camserney, about 15 minutes from Breadalban­e Academy in Aberfeldy.

“As I drove to my road end where the bus had let Lawrence off, I did not know if my son was dead or alive. I feared the worse,” said Ewa.

Lawrence was unconsciou­s from the moment of impact for around 20 minutes.

“He woke to the sound of our doctor, Debbie Shann, saying his name,” explained his mum.

It was a good sign the injured teenager was able to talk to paramedics.

At Ninewells Hospital he was given a full body scan.

Amazingly, considerin­g the impact to both the front and back of his head, nothing serious was discovered.

He had bruising to his left knee which took the impact of the car’s front wing and stitches to his brow and head, but escaped without internal bleeding or any broken bones.

Breadalban­e Academy rejoiced when Lawrence was released from hospital the following day.

Lawrence, who plays basketball and enjoys cycling, rejoined his peers soon after.

His mum took to Facebook last week to thank all those who’d helped her son.

She told the PA he was looking at the incident as “an experience”.

“As a family we have been blessed in every way. Lawrence has been really lucky and he’s dealt with the hit incredibly well, he holds no bad feeling, he doesn’t go around overly burdened by it. He hasn’t had nightmares or flashbacks.

“Yes, he trusted the driver saying it was safe to cross, but he’s 17, old enough, he should have looked a second time to be sure. As it was, he never saw the approachin­g car.”

Two months on, Lawrence has been asked if he will stand up in assembly on November 19 during road safety week to talk about it.

The school is looking into how to minimise an event like this ever happening again. It has agreed there will be more informatio­n on what parents should be saying their children on road safety and how to get off the bus. Lawrence Stuckey

Ewa says the school does not accept responsibi­lity for pupils once they’ve left the premises.

Mum Ewa said positive changes are already happening: “The policy of children crossing in front of the bus changed the day after the accident. The driver came to see me, she was distraught about what had happened.”

Bus operator Stagecoach has since made it official that when a bus with a left-facing door has passengers needing to get to the other side of the road, they must stay on until the bus has turned for the return journey and the driver opens the door on the side nearest the verge.

“Now the trip home takes 12 minutes longer, but the children don’t cross the road,” said Ewa.

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Assembly talk

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