Perthshire Advertiser

Hospital housing reporter appointed


Rivertree Residentia­l subsequent­ly decided to appeal to the government’s Planning and Environmen­tal Appeals Division (DPEA) so it would have to determine the applicatio­ns instead.

Since then Burness Paull has written to the DPEA stating: “It is Arup’s advice that both developmen­ts can be accommodat­ed on the road network, and the Bridgend junction will continue to operate within capacity.

“Notwithsta­nding, the appellant proposed phasing conditions as a means of allowing the applicatio­ns to move forward (the appellant made this offer to officers to try and move the applicatio­ns forward and in light of the continued deteriorat­ion of the listed building).

“Officers’ position appears to be that further traffic modelling work would be needed to justify a phased approach. However, the traffic assessment work undertaken by Arup confirms that the whole developmen­t can be satisfacto­rily The abandoned Murray Royal Hospital accommodat­ed on the road network without the need for the Cross Tay Link Road.

“It stands to reason, therefore, that a phased developmen­t with limits on developmen­t, can also be accommodat­ed. This was highlighte­d to officers before the applicatio­ns were presented to committee.”

The DPEA has now said: “This appeal has been allocated to Mr Dan Jackman. The period for written submission­s from members of the public has ended.

“The reporter is looking at the documents and submission­s, and will consider what, if any, further procedures are necessary in order to determine this appeal.

“This includes the site inspection arrangemen­ts (if any), the need for further informatio­n and the way in which the case will be considered - for example, a hearing or public inquiry.

“Further details will be forthcomin­g in due course.”

 ??  ?? Future awaits
Future awaits

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