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Trainer Susie helps older people get fit


A Perthshire personal trainer is working on a new collaborat­ion to provide targeted exercise for older adults.

Coupar Angus-based Susie Black, and fellow personal trainer James Knight, have pooled their skills and experience to develop an online exercise method specifical­ly for those in older age groups.

And the dynamic duo have set up a new forum for education and tips on safe and specific activity training for older people, the UK Specialist Exercise Exchange (UKSEE) – a group currently free to join on Facebook.

Susie explained: “Between us, James and I have 30 years’ experience in exercise for older adults and addressing the activity issues facing middle-aged and senior people.

“Over the last year many of us have increased our technologi­cal expertise and are seeking out digital assistance with every aspect of our lives.

“Online exercise has played a major part in upskilling the nation, and both James and I have used digital technology throughout the pandemic to maintain our clients’ health.

“The UKSEE aims to take this to a wider audience and is designed to be a trusted source of health and fitness training for the issues that we all face as we age.”

Susie continued: “Joining an ‘on demand’ session where few health checks have been completed can be dangerous.

“Many members of this older age group will be managing conditions which require greater than usual knowledge and understand­ing from their instructor­s.

“When adapting exercise for people with conditions such as osteoarthr­itis, posture and balance issues, back pain or bone density worries, the safety and effectiven­ess of any program requires a greater degree of knowledge about the client.”

James added: “Our vision is to create small workshops specialisi­ng in certain conditions for special population groups.

“This allows us to provide adapted physical activity safely for those that need it, to offer choice and an opportunit­y for a healthier and happier lifestyle.”

The UKSEE Facebook group is intended to educate members about how to increase their activity alongside their current health conditions.

And James and Susie are currently developing their first workshop, a 28-day Facebook course teaching exercise for osteoarthr­itis of the knee, launching in March, which will use videos and posts to educate, support and encourage its members to take on specific lifestyle changes required to manage their knee pain.

To join the UKSEE, look for UK Specialist Exercise Exchange on Facebook.

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Work out Susie Black

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