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Scary intruder was in state of undress


A householde­r“became fearful for his own safety” when a man wandered into his home wearing next to nothing - and then started rummaging through drawers.

Fifty-eight-year-old Eric Donaldson was“in a state of undress, with no clothing on his top half and his trousers at his ankles,”Perth Sheriff Court was told.

“He became aggressive and was continuall­y spitting, with saliva landing on the floor,” explained depute fiscal Sarah Wilkinson.

At one point the intruder spat out his false teeth and dad-of-three Craig White picked them up“to protect his family”.

Mr White was in the office at his home in Bridge of Earn when he heard a noise in the hallway about 3.25pm.

He was confronted by the accused and asked him what he was doing, thinking he was “an elderly confused gentleman”.

But Donaldson became aggressive and began walking around the house, opening drawers and going through their contents.

Mr White repeatedly asked him to leave but eventually had to lock Donaldson inside and contact the police.

Officers arrived at 3.40pm and found the house“in a state of disarray”as a result of the accused’s actions.

Solicitor Mike Tavendale said his client has a“long-term drug issue”and a history of epileptic seizures.

He had been prescribed various medication­s and was also on a methadone script.

The lawyer added:“He has absolutely no recollecti­on of this incident.”

Sheriff Neil Bowie deferred sentence until March 31 and called for a Restrictio­n of Liberty Order assessment as well as up-to-date informatio­n on the accused’s medical condition.

Donaldson, previously of Todd Place, Bridge of Earn, and now Primrose Crescent, Perth, admitted entering the house in Poplar Avenue, Bridge of Earn, uninvited on January 12, 2021, acting aggressive­ly, repeatedly picking things up, refusing to leave when asked to do so, repeatedly shouting and swearing and repeatedly spitting out his dentures.

A not guilty plea was accepted to a second charge of stealing a bizarre range of items, including a pencil sharpener, a framed print, a playing card and a pair of slippers.

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