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Attack accused trial is delayed


The trial of a Perth woman, accused of attacking another female at a house in the city’s Letham district with a“sharp or bladed object”- and scarring her for life - has been delayed until the summer.

Twenty-nine-year-old Jodie Case, whose address was given as c/o Brahan Terrace, is also accused of smearing blood on the alleged victim’s face and repeatedly hurling household objects at her, including a clothes horse.

It is claimed that on April 20, 2019, at a house in Dunsinane Drive, Perth, Case assaulted Laura MacLaren by repeatedly throwing glasses at her, struggling with her, pushing her to the body and causing her to fall to the ground.

It is further alleged that she seized the woman by the hair and pulled her by the hair before striking her on the body with the sharp object, to her severe injury, permanent disfigurem­ent and permanent impairment.

Case, who was represente­d by local lawyer Paul Ralph at her latest Perth Sheriff Court hearing, also denied two charges relating to her former partner Rachel MacLaren.

The first states that between August 20, 2018, and April 20, 2019, at the flat in Dunsinane Drive, she behaved in a threatenin­g or abusive manner, shouted and swore, threw items and behaved in an aggressive manner, in particular towards Ms MacLaren.

The second claims that on April 20, 2019, again at the house in Dunsinane Drive, Case assaulted her by striking her on the body.

Depute fiscal Gail Russell said the trial, originally scheduled for the end of March, would now take place during the week beginning July 26.

 ??  ?? Cleanng upSteve Rimmer on the North Inch. Picture by staff photograph­er Richard Wilkins
Cleanng upSteve Rimmer on the North Inch. Picture by staff photograph­er Richard Wilkins

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