Perthshire Advertiser

PRI cannot fall victim to cuts

- Murdo Fraser


I was very concerned to read press reports last week, which were based on sources within NHS Tayside, that suggested that services at Perth Royal Infirmary could be reduced due to the impact of the brutal Scottish Budget, just passed by Parliament.

NHS Tayside may have to make savings of between £60 and £80 million next year now that the Budget has been pushed through Holyrood by the Snp-green Government.

We have seen a loss of services at PRI over the years, and it is very worrying to think that we might see a further reduction.

PRI is a much-loved local hospital, and its closure would simply lead to longer journey times for patients to get to and from Ninewells, which itself is already a very busy facility.

It is very hard to see how the people of Perthshire could be properly serviced without a hospital in the county, with our growing population.

This news just comes a week after it was announced that the planned £35 million elective surgery department set to be built at PRI had been put on hold by the Scottish Government, due to financial constraint­s.

This new and very welcome facility was announced back in the Spring of 2021. It was due to be open for patients by the end of this year.

However, no progress whatsoever has been made and an outline business case has not even yet been presented.

Inevitably, some local SNP politician­s have shamelessl­y tried to place the blame for this delay on to Westminste­r.

However, the Westminste­r Block Grant to the Scottish Government has been growing since the original announceme­nt was made in 2021, and that cannot be used as an excuse for the lack of progress.

Please be assured that local Conservati­ves will continue to do all we can to protect services at PRI.

I have been involved in many campaigns over the years to defend PRI services, and these will continue.

Meantime, we saw Perth and Kinross Council pass its own Budget last week, which sees cuts across a number of areas. Of particular concern to me is the closure of the public toilets in Blairgowri­e, Auchterard­er, Crieff and at the South Inch in Perth.

It might have been hoped that there might be a last-minute U-turn from the SNP administra­tion on the council, but regrettabl­y, these closures, to take place in the next few weeks, have now been confirmed.

For an area which depends heavily on tourism as a source of income, it is extremely short-sighted, in my view, to be closing these public toilets.

They are vital facilities for both local residents and for visitors.

I hope that some way can be found to retain toilet provision through community groups and will be doing all that I can to try and ensure that this happens.

Murdo Fraser always welcomes feedback from constituen­ts.

He can be contacted at The Control Tower, Perth Airport, Scone, PH2 6PL, by email on murdo.fraser.msp@ or by telephone on 01738 553990.

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