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Wishartsee­ks policeansw­ers onbrianlow investigat­ion


A Perthshire MP has written to Scotland’s top cop seeking answers about the Brian Low murder investigat­ion.

Pete Wishart, Perth and North Perthshire MP, said the incident had shaken the Aberfeldy community and called for“as much informatio­n as possible” from the police to provide reassuranc­e.

It comes two months after 65-year-old Mr Low’s body was found on a track outside the town, on February 17. He had been walking his dog and died from shotgun wounds to his neck and chest.

An initial assessment of Mr Low’s death was considered nonsuspici­ous, but following the results of a post mortem 10 days later, it was declared as murder.

Questions have since been raised about the length of time it took identify the true cause of Mr Low’s death, as well as the time it took to notify the local community, and the case has been referred to the Police Investigat­ions & Reviews Commission­er (PIRC).

Specialist cops investigat­ing the murder have said the answer to the killing“lies within the community”.

Mr Wishart told Police Scotland chief constable Jo Farrell in the letter, dated April 17, that“vital informatio­n”about the matter and the police response was missing.

He wanted to know if police are any closer to identifyin­g the perpetrato­r, if there was a prime suspect, and if a weapon had been recovered.

Mr Wishart said:“i fully appreciate that this is a live investigat­ion which must be given the time to be conducted thoroughly and properly.

“I am also pleased that the case has been referred to the Police Investigat­ions and Reviews Commission­er (PIRC).

“However, we are now two months on from Mr Low’s death, and vital informatio­n relating to this shocking incident, and the police’s initial response, is still lacking.

“I have been contacted by a number of my constituen­ts in the Aberfeldy area who have a range of concerns over this matter, particular­ly in relation to community safety.”

Mr Wishart also asked about community safety measures in and around Aberfeldy.

Aberfeldy Community Council chairman Victor Clements however said this week that the police should be given space to carry out their investigat­ion.

He commented:“the priority is to find out what happened and get it solved – as well as justice for Brian Low and peace of mind for the people of Aberfeldy.

“If there is a time for criticisin­g the police we should do it when that’s done.

“At the moment we need to give the police the time to carry out their investigat­ion and get off their backs.”

A Police Scotland spokespers­on said on Wednesday they had not received Mr Wishart’s letter adding:“any correspond­ence received will be responded to.”

 ?? ?? Murder probe
Detectives at the scene of the killing
Murder probe Detectives at the scene of the killing

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