Photography Week


Wildlife lovers choose their top beasts for conservati­on project


More than 50,000 votes have been cast by wildlife lovers to pick a new ‘Big 5’ of their favourite animals to photograph and enjoy in photos: the elephant, polar bear, gorilla, tiger and lion.

The New Big 5 project was created by British photograph­er Graeme Green to raise awareness about the many threats to the world’s wildlife, including habitat loss, poaching and the illegal wildlife trade.

The original ‘Big 5’ was a term used by trophy hunters in Africa for the five most prized and dangerous animals to shoot and kill: elephant, leopard, lion, rhino and Cape buffalo. The New Big 5 project turns that definition on its head to create a New Big 5 of wildlife photograph­y.

More than 250 of the world’s leading wildlife photograph­ers, conservati­onists and wildlife charities have joined together to support the internatio­nal initiative – click the link to learn more at the New Big 5 website.

 ??  ?? Clockwise from top-left: African elephants by Priyanshi Bachhawat; polar bear in Churchhill, Canada by Dave Sandford; tiger cub by Suzi Eszterhas; baby gorilla by Vladimir Cech Jr. Centre: Lion, by Graeme Green
Clockwise from top-left: African elephants by Priyanshi Bachhawat; polar bear in Churchhill, Canada by Dave Sandford; tiger cub by Suzi Eszterhas; baby gorilla by Vladimir Cech Jr. Centre: Lion, by Graeme Green
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